
2021 HICES Debating

Thursday, 11 Nov 2021

BDC was looking like having another excellent season in debating this year until the Covid-19 Lockdown in greater Sydney brought the competition to a standstill. We did manage to get through all the preliminary rounds and, based on individual points, the following students received awards.

Congratulations to James Quodling (Year 6) and Campbell Scott (Year 8) who were named 1st Place Champion Debater in the Northern NSW Region Junior and Middle Divisions respectively and Santiago Cooke (Year 6) and Jack Easter (Year 8) who both received 3rd Place Champion Debater in the Junior and Middle Divisions.

Many thanks to Patrick Galvin and Amber Baldwin for their assistance coaching and coordinating debating this year.

Amy Dal Pozzo
Head of English

Head of English, Amy Dal Pozzo with HICES Debating winners, Jack Easter and Camble Scott