
BECC Youth Crew holiday workshop - 29 September

Wednesday, 15 Sept 2021

The Boambee East Community Centre Youth Opportunity program is still pushing ahead despite lockdown impacts. We have lost a few young people along the way and have room to accommodate some new crew members in the BECC Youth Crew.  

School Holidays are fast upon us and we are holding a Crew Workshop on Wednesday 29 September which will be followed by a public workshop.  

If you have young people (12-25) that are keen to learn and have a go please get them to contact Rachel or Sharon at becc.youthcrew@gmail.comor to call the Centre on 6658 4655.

We will spend the morning prepping for the afternoon workshop and the crew will learn hands on all aspects of setting up and facilitating a workshop as they help Sharon share her skills in Photo Transference.

It would be great to have some more young, creative people join the crew.