
Chaplain's Chat - 2021 Term 4 Week 4

Friday, 29 Oct 2021
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.â€
— Jeremiah 29:11

This week we have blessed, farewelled, congratulated and sent forth our Class of 2021. Our final Valedictory Chapel Service on Thursday focused on our intentions of prayers of gratitude for 13 years of schooling and prayers of hope for the future. It can be natural and understandable to let world events and cancelled plans get us down, and yet the nature of human life seems to inevitably include times of disappointment as well as times of joy. 

Faith reminds us that the challenge in life is stay constant to living with integrity despite the challenges of life. Many of the greatest biblical characters, such as Esther, Joseph, Ruth, Moses, Job, Mary and even Jesus, faced great adversity throughout their lives. Perhaps one of the overarching messages of the bible is God’s companionship throughout life’s challenges, and the encouragement to persist with living with integrity and love through each time of difficulty. 

I invite all in our College Community to pause for a moment this week to express a quiet prayer of gratitude for our Graduating Class of 2021 and a prayer for a future filled with hope for each one of them.

A blessing for the Class of 2021:

May the blessing of the God of Sarah, and of Abraham,

the blessing of the Son, born of Mary,

the blessing of the Spirit, who broods over us as a mother over her children,

be with you now and forever.

And may the blessing of God Almighty be upon you and remain with you always.


Rev Naomi Cooke 