
Chaplains Chat 2022 Term 2 Week 3

Wednesday, 11 May 2022
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature.
— Romans 1:20
I wonder what the sacred spaces are in your life?

Religions have a long history of buildings designed to be places for drawing close to God. In our school we have a special sacred space called “The Chapel of St Francis and St Claire”, a space we gather for regular chapel services and for special moments of joy and grief. 

In my years as Chaplain at BDC, I have had some extra special moments in the Chapel including the baptism of a baby, farewelling a loved grandparent with a special memorial service, and leading a thanksgiving Eucharist to celebrate recovery from illness for a BDC family. Special moments like these have taken place in between the regular busyness of the space for Chapel services, “Godly Play” story time, and small group bible study, prayer, and fellowship groups.

A Chapel can communicate much about the spirituality of a community. Students recently described our chapel as safe, grounding, calm, connecting and respectful. It is a quiet place for contemplation, inspired by the faith of the Christian and Hebrew Scriptures, making space for students of all faiths and none. However as popular Franciscan theologian Richard Rohr reminds us, the environment is the first Bible God gave us, the first place humans experienced and learned of God. So, our Chapel also draws us outward to experience God in nature and in the community in love for our neighbour.

We are planning some changes to the interior and windows of our school Chapel, and like St Francis and St Claire, we will draw inspiration from nature to help shape it to be a space of peace, prayer and contemplation. We’d like to consult with students, staff and families as part of this process of change. If you would like to contribute your ideas to the shaping of our Chapel space, please consider doing so in one of the following ways:

ONLINE: a few short questions   

IN PERSON: Wednesday 18th May from 8.15am in the Chapel. I will lead some time of reflection and then facilitate a conversation around the Chapel design. Stay as briefly or for as long as you are able.

EMAIL: You are most welcome to contact me with your thoughts via email ncooke@bdc.nsw.edu.au 

In other news, it is time to sign up for the Act for Peace Ration Challenge, which the Human Rights Group leads. All from our school community are welcome to join the team, including parents. Please email me if you’d like to find out more or join our team.

Blessings and peace to you for the week ahead.

Rev Naomi Cooke