
Chaplain's Chat and Wellbeing

Wednesday, 06 Mar 2024
Giinagay, ngujawiny!

I hope this newsletter finds you well, and that you have found a sustaining and balanced rhythm to your life now that 2024 is well and truly underway. Family life does get very busy, it is so important to find those moments of calm and connection!

Easter Worship

We are now more than halfway through the season of Lent, our time of spiritual preparation for the Easter celebrations. Our chapel services and some of our religious education lessons this term are exploring the theme of ‘grace’ - the free offering of something unearned, such as a gift or service, or an act of forgiveness or reconciliation. We have been considering how we can show grace in our interactions with one another, as a way of building and maintaining a loving, generous, and respectful community. We have also been considering how the grace of God touches our lives, and some of the ways we can respond to that grace.

I wonder how grace has touched your life?

As a whole school, we will be celebrating the ultimate demonstration of God’s grace at our Easter service in Week 9. We warmly invite all parents and family members to join us for this time of worship. 9am, Thursday 28th March in the Branson Centre.

Primary Leaders Day

Our Primary leadership team had a fantastic day at Grafton Cathedral last Friday, where they met with student leaders from four other Anglican schools. Amongst lots of games and delicious food, our student leaders participated in workshops designed to develop their sense of leadership, service, and spirituality. Our students demonstrated a deep commitment to their role within the Bishop Druitt community, with a particular emphasis on creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for other students, and caring for the environment.

Blessings to all of you, and those you love.

Rev Lisa Williamson

SPECIAL REPORT: Toxic Achievement Culture

Toxic achievement culture is characterised by the entanglement of self-worth, achievement and the relentless pursuit of academic or extracurricular success - at any cost! This phenomenon goes beyond the mere quest for success. it embeds a belief in students that their merit is exclusively tied to their achievements, often propelled by intense external pressures from families, schools, and society.

Some students are overfilling their schedules with activities aimed at "getting ahead". However, the consequences are proving to be detrimental on students' mental and physical health resulting in burnout and heightened levels of stress. This culture is also being aggravated by parental expectations, peer competition and a relentless comparison ethos often driven by social media.

There is nothing wrong with having ambition, but it's crucial to ensure that this desire doesn't push our young people into a toxic cycle of achievement and make them feel that they must achieve in order to matter. The relentless drive to excel is leading many students to prioritise accolades over genuine learning and personal growth, often at the expense of their own wellbeing and interpersonal relationships. As adult carers, we need to advocate for a more balanced and holistic approach to achievement, emphasising the importance of resilience, wellbeing, and the pursuit of diverse interests.

This Special Report will help you understand the signs of toxic achievement, and how to address them so as to teach students how to adopt a better work/life balance.

Here is the link to your Special Report