
Chaplain's Chat Term 1 Week 9

Wednesday, 29 Mar 2023
Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
— John 20:19b-22

Our whole school Easter Service takes place on Thursday 6 April at 9.30am in the Branson Centre. The service will be a creative and dramatic liturgy about the events of Holy Week with contributions from the Dance Academy, Performance Choir, Highly Strung, Primary and Secondary Captains, and Leaders. We will have visiting clergy assisting in Holy Communion. As our school has grown, the Branson Centre is now very full when our whole school gathers, which restricts our ability to accommodate parents and visitors. There will be a very small number of seats available for parents and visitors, please let Rev Cooke know if you would like to attend. 

Last week students from Year 6 and secondary students from Goori Group, Human Rights Group, and the Human Rights Project Kaizen class attended a performance at the Jetty Theatre of “Stand Up Stand By.” This was created by the anti-racism youth collective All One Under The Sun and was a powerful and equipping exploration of the reality of many of our young people’s lives using poetry, hip hop, film and dance. As we celebrate Harmony Day across Australia, our young people are passionate to learn and teach others strategies to be peacemakers in our community. 

An invitation has been extended to BDC for young people aged 16-20 to participate in an online survey about their experiences of faith and spirituality. Insights gained from the survey results aim to further equip churches, schools and families in understanding and supporting young people as they navigate faith. For more information:

All students, families, and staff are very welcome to gather in the Chapel at 8am Tuesday mornings for our weekly service of Holy Communion.

Chaplaincy Team
Rev Naomi Cooke ncooke@bdc.nsw.edu.au
Rev Nic Hagon nhagon@bdc.nsw.edu.au