
Chaplain's Chat Term 2 Week 2

Wednesday, 03 May 2023
“In the very beginning so the story in Genesis goes, the Spirit sighed and fluttered over the waters, breathing life into the world. As they sit quietly with Jesus, breathing in, his friends feel their hearts settle into a steady beat. Their fear drains away, and they feel alive again. Jesus slips away unnoticed, but his friends are no longer afraid. Now they understand. The Spirit that was in Jesus is in them too. Always. As close as their own breath.â€
— Excerpt from Laura Alary, ‘Breathe: A Child’s Guide to Ascension, Pentecost and the Growing Time’ (Paraclete Press 2021)

We are in the season of Easter which builds towards the celebration of the day of Pentecost. We hear again the story of Jesus returning to God (the Ascension) and the Holy Spirit arriving fresh with fire and new ways of communicating (Pentecost). This is regarded as the beginning of the Christian Church, with new communities filled with the Spirit’s power to reach out in love, faith and hope. Fast forward 2000 years, and we are a community built from this special Pentecost legacy of God’s Spirit, facing the joys and challenges of life in today’s world with love, faith and hope.

The Human Rights Group is leading the school’s participation at the end of this term in the Act for Peace Ration Challenge. Secondary students and parents are welcome to participate, as we all learn about the plight of refugees and experience in a small way some of their challenges. How it works: For one week (3 days for students in Years 7-9 and 5 days for Year 10 upwards) you'll eat the same rations as those distributed to Syrian refugees living in urban refugee camps in Jordan - exactly the same food, in almost exactly the same quantities. The money we raise will help provide healthcare and life-changing support to Syrian refugees and people who have fled their homes in Afghanistan, Myanmar and Gaza, as well as supporting other communities forced from their homes around the world. Our school sponsorship page is here: and each participant will have their own page. Please let me know if you’d like to participate.

All students, families, and staff are very welcome to gather in the Chapel at 8am Tuesday mornings for our weekly service of Holy Communion.

Chaplaincy Team
Rev Naomi Cooke ncooke@bdc.nsw.edu.au
Rev Nic Hagon nhagon@bdc.nsw.edu.au