
Chaplain's Chat Term 2 Week 7

Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Pentecost Sunday was observed around the world last Sunday. Pentecost is often called the birthday of the church as it was the time when the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and began their work of building the Kingdom of God. 

As author Laura Alary writes in ‘Breathe: A Child’s Guide to Ascension, Pentecost and the Growing Time’ (Paraclete Press 2021):

“In the very beginning so the story in Genesis goes, the Spirit sighed and fluttered over the waters, breathing life into the world. As they sit quietly with Jesus, breathing in, his friends feel their hearts settle into a steady beat. Their fear drains away, and they feel alive again. Jesus slips away unnoticed, but his friends are no longer afraid. Now they understand. The Spirit that was in Jesus is in them too. Always. As close as their own breath.â€

We have built towards Pentecost all term, hearing about the stories of Jesus empowering his group of disciples to become leaders who would transform the world. That is our hope and prayer for our BDC students – that they may transform the world into a place of peace, inclusivity and justice. 

Our Human Rights Group has been learning about the ongoing international refugee crisis. Borders may have been closed however political turmoil and war has continued and the movement of refugees seeking asylum has continued. It has been our BDC tradition to support the Act for Peace Ration Challenge. Act for Peace is the international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia, founded in 1948 in response to the refugee crisis of the Second World War. Act for Peace now works collaboratively as a member of local, regional and global networks and alliances to back displaced people to create more unity and transform unjust systems.  

We have an amazing team participating in the Act for Peace Ration Challenge, with 33 students from Year 7-12 signed up to do the ration challenge next week, two staff members and 8 parents joining the challenge to support their child. Please read about it and sponsor our team here:  

Alpha is a course about learning about Christianity and exploring questions of faith. I will be running it for interested secondary students on Monday lunchtimes, and I am looking for some more students to join the team that is leading it. To find out more, email me ncooke@bdc.nsw.edu.au 

Rev Naomi Cooke