
Chaplain's Chat Term 2 Week 9

Tuesday, 20 June 2023
You are like a building with the apostles and prophets as the foundation and with Christ as the most important stone. Christ is the one who holds the building together and makes it grow into a holy temple for the Lord. And you are part of that building Christ has built as a place for God's own Spirit to live.
— Ephesians 2:21-22

Every year at the end of Term 2 on Foundation Day we celebrate and remember the beginnings of our school. We remember that our school has grown upon Gumbaynggirr Country where deep learning has taken place for thousands of years before the BDC buildings were built. We remember the stories of those who founded our school and we celebrate the vision, faith, and hope that has preceded us here. We remember the faith of Bishop Cecil Henry Druitt who inspired all with his legacy of “Faithfulness in Service” from which our school motto has been drawn.

NAIDOC celebrations have taken place at our school over the last week with stories, song, food, dance, sport, and a smoking ceremony. 

Rev Aunty Lenore Parker, Yaegl Elder and Anglican Priest of our Diocese wrote this prayer which is used all over Australia across Christian denominations to acknowledge and give thanks for the First Nations heritage of this land. The prayer begins, 

“God of holy Dreaming Great Creator Spirit, from the dawn of creation you have given your children the good things of Mother Earth. You spoke and the gum tree grew. In the vast deserts and dense forests, in the cities, at the water’s edge, creation sings your praise...” 

We also remember that many have made their home in this land in recent times with “Refugee Week” being marked around the world. The Human Rights Group’s participation in the Act for Peace Ration Challenge raised over $7000 and placed us within the top ten schools in Australia. Equally importantly, participants learned about the refugee journey and developed their empathy, compassion, and voice to speak up for those who have no home.

We pray that your families have a safe time of rest and rejuvenation in the weeks ahead.

Chaplaincy Team
Rev Naomi Cooke ncooke@bdc.nsw.edu.au
Rev Nic Hagon nhagon@bdc.nsw.edu.au 


NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to recognise and learn more about the history and culture of indigenous communities.

NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement, when on Australia Day 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney to highlight the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Today, it is a week-long celebration held in July that consists of range of traditional and contemporary activities.

NAIDOC Week is an important event that helps build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. It enables a deeper understanding of our differences and similarities. NAIDOC week is an opportunity for all Australians to eliminate bias and discrimination by reflecting and reconciling the wrongs of the past to facilitate hope and build a fairer future. Families are encouraged to join in and support young people in learning the significance of NAIDOC Week.

This Special Report offers suggestions on how families can celebrate NAIDOC Week together. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report 

SPECIAL REPORT: Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers have become powerful individuals who often shape the opinions and beliefs of others due to strong connections with their audiences. In today's fast-paced digital world, attention has become a valuable commodity.

However, the impact of social media influencers on youth mental health is a growing concern, most recently, the controversial actions and statements of Andrew Tate. His rise to fame has made him a polarising figure, amassing a significant following of mostly young males. Educators and families have raised urgent concerns about the damaging nature of Tate’s content, worried that his messages may radicalise students and create a generation of young men with regressive and harmful beliefs.

Young people often compare themselves to the idealised lives presented by influencers, leading to feelings of inadequacy, low self-worth and dissatisfaction. Social media algorithms may also expose them to inappropriate or harmful content such as explicit material, promotion of harmful behaviours, or distorted perceptions of body image or mental health.

It is important to guide a young person’s social media use and promote open communication. Be curious to comprehend why they might be drawn to radical influencers, like Andrew Tate, and actively seek understanding as part of the solution. While not all influencers have a negative impact, parents play a vital role in ensuring a balanced approach to social media. By actively modelling kindness, respect and positive values, parents can help tackle the sway of radical influencers and be part of the solution to countering unhealthy masculinity.

This Special Report provides guidance on how to respond to misinformation and disinformation, instead encouraging critical thinking and emphasising the value of real-life connections. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.

Click on this link to view the Special Report