
Chaplain’s Chat Term 4 Week 6

Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022

Naomi, Shane, and I travelled to Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School last week as part of our Diocesan Schools Network meeting. Held once a term, this meeting has become an important time to consolidate our identity and partnerships as Anglican Schools in Grafton Diocese. It’s refreshingly encouraging to be part of a wider community of Schools that are all walking the same path to education within an Anglican Ethos. 

Our guest speaker was the Reverend Richard Browning who skillfully and carefully encouraged us to be focused on the stories and metaphors that are ours as a community of education. After sharing an ancient story of compassion within the heart of the community of God, he posed the question to each of us; if there was an image or object that you could hold in your hand from which you could tell a story that encapsulated the values and identity of your school, what would it be?

I wonder! 

Each school in the Diocese was charged with the same question.
I’d be delighted to hear your ideas and your creativity - email or drop into the Wellbeing Hub for a visit. 

We have commenced our annual Christmas Hamper Appeal. All families received correspondence about bringing in the following items (new, unused, and in date) for Warrina Women and Children’s Shelter and the Uniting Church Soup Kitchen. 

All Primary Classrooms have their tubs and bags and Primary Captains are coming to check when these are filling up. Secondary tutor groups should have your 3 bags, and if you haven’t got them, come and see me in the Well Being Hub. The service captains will also be in the Well Being Hub on Tuesday and Thursday during tutor time if you need bags or if you would like to bring in full bags for collection. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Here’s the link to the items requested for donation 

Service of Holy Communion

Each Tuesday, Naomi and I are offering a Service of Communion to staff and parents in the chapel. This is a quieter time of our week and runs for about 20mins. We start at 8am and all are welcome.


In primary and secondary Chapel this week we will begin the season of Advent and are mindful of all the ways we get ready for the mystery of Christmas. What other festivals and religious traditions can we learn about as we live into the season of Advent?

We offer our prayers and our thoughts and actions of wholeness to those who are unwell and weary.

As we pray, so we breathe.

As we breathe, so we pray.

May our breath calm us

And create space for our peace.

May our breathe help us to notice

our body and our need

for rest and action.

May the warmth of our hearts be felt

As that warm expiration

Reaching out to comfort the world.

May the cool intake in our nostrils

Remind us of the dignity that is ours

And the precious value we embody.

As we pray, so we breathe.

As we breathe, so we pray.

In the name of Christ’s breath,


Save the Date: the annual evening Carols Service will be on Monday 12 th December. This is a beautiful night of music and performances, including our kindy nativity play.

Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings and Funerals are always available for members of our school community – please contact the Chaplains to find out more.

Rev Nic Hagon