
Chaplain's chat: Who is my neighbour?

Wednesday, 24 Nov 2021
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. 
— Matthew 25:40

What does Jesus mean by these words whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine you did for me?

The least of the brothers and sisters of Jesus are those persons who are vulnerable. They are the socially, psychologically or economically disadvantaged, such as the sick, the poor, the mentally and physically disabled.

These words of Jesus are a reminder of the task of humanity to care for and support each other. To have empathy for each of our brothers and sisters can be challenging and confronting for many people. It’s easy to make judgements on others as to why they are in the situations they find themselves and be dismissive of their needs depending on our personal judgement. However, life is not a level playing field and opportunity is not distributed evenly.    

As a community we have an opportunity to bring some comfort and hope to the lives of those experiencing difficulties. Next week we begin the season of Advent, a time that prepares us for Christmas. During this time we have an opportunity to show empathy to those who, for a variety of reasons and circumstances find themselves in difficulty. 

Taking the opportunity to help those who struggle each day is something that Jesus did. Supporting each other is what Jesus meant when he said to, “love you neighbour”. 

At BDC we have the opportunity to show that love and care to diners at the Coffs Harbour Uniting Church Soup Kitchen, and clients of the Warrinna Women’s and Children’s Refuge through our Christmas Appeal. 

Please give generously to our Christmas Appeal as we support the work of The Coffs Harbour Uniting Church ‘Soupie’ and Warrina Women’s and Children’s Refuge.

Rev David Morgan