
Primary character strengths and a love of learning at BDC

Tuesday, 23 Aug 2022

During our Week 2 Primary Assembly, 5A had the pleasure of presenting an item to students and parents about Teamwork. Over the past two terms, BDC have been learning about the different types of character strengths that we hold and can develop. This term, our staff decided that we would have a deeper focus on Teamwork, Love of learning, Open-Mindedness & gratitude. Every two weeks a different class will present an assembly item and give an award that appreciates students showing these skills. So please join us for the assemblies on the even weeks on Thursday at 2:20pm.

We learned that the definition of Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. Helen Keller, a famous speaker & author once said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” She was not only blind and deaf herself, but was a great advocate for disability rights.  We learned about the success of people like Kurt Fernly and The Bromley Brothers, who without the support and teamwork of their family and friends, their success would not have been possible.

Just like the famous proverb once said, "It takes a village to raise a child", as a collective we need to work together in order to be successful. Our aim in Junior School is to aim big, put others first and be the best people we can be. 

We congratulate our award winners for this week: Sammy Craig, Lachlan Macdonald, Tasman Kahler, Charlotte Bruggemann, Angela Li, Elizabeth Robinson, Millie McDonald, Georgia Perkins, José Dariz, Alexandra James, Vivan Bhandari, Saxton Moses, Eden Campbell, Owen Matthews, Kalani Wood, Alex Battaglia, Angus Gibson,Arley Fernon, Bonnie Green,  Oscar Harris

Written by 5A

Love of Learning

Being enthusiastic about mastering new skills and learning new things.

Developing a Love of Learning is what we are all passionate about here at BDC. As teachers, we get a buzz from watching our students get right into their learning. Watching them pick up a book and have a go at reading it independently because they WANT to, not because they HAVE excites us. Watching students delve deep into an inquiry unit because they WANT to know about our local history, not because they HAVE to learn about it makes us inspired to know more, too.

Giving students the opportunity to have agency in their learning encourages them to develop their Love of Learning. That’s where our programs, such as Walker Learning, Project-based Learning and the Kaizen program, give students greater opportunities to find what it is they love to learn.

Developing or having a Love of Learning does not stop when we become adults. When we feel life is becoming stagnant, often it is because we need something new. Developing a Love of Learning in a new field does not mean having to jump into studying a new Degree or Masters (although these can lead to the Love of Learning at a deeper level). It could be as simple as watching a documentary or TED talk about a topic of interest. It could be taking up a new hobby or investing a small amount of time in something that has always interested you, yet you have not had the “space” to pursue it. Showing a Love of Learning can even be as simple as identifying a skill you have and teaching it to someone else.

The inspiring Malala Yousafzai once said “I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through not only educating our minds, but our hearts and our souls”. Through a Love of Learning, and showing our children how magical this can be, we encourage others to think globally, to want to know more and to take action on the learning that is acquired. If you are after a shared “Love of Learning” moment with your children, watch Matilda. That little girl doesn’t let anything stand in the way of her Love of Learning with “magical” results.

LRC Volunteers 

Students with disabilities who are sitting the HSC exams are able to access support known as Disability Provisions. Disability provisions are a practical arrangement that helps a student access the exams on the same level as those without disabilities. For example, a student with dyslexia who struggles with reading and writing may be able to access support through a reader or writer. This support removes the reading and writing barriers to ensure the student is able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in that subject area.

The Learning Resource Centre is looking for volunteers to act as readers and writers to support students during their HSC exams. The role of the reader and writer is to sit with the student during their HSC exam and read the test paper to the student and/or write their answers. If you are interested in this role and would like to find out more information please contact Pam Moran K - 12 LRC Coordinator via email pmoran@bdc.nsw.edu.au.