
​iHub Reading Matters series

Wednesday, 14 Sept 2022

Curating displays is a wonderful way to stimulate interest in books, increase readership of various parts of our collection, and to support the student's knowledge of the curriculum matter that they are covering during the term. This term we have had a wonderful variety of events in the iHub!

Book Week, and Wear it Purple Day

The iHub has hosted several displays over the past few weeks to highlight special events, and to support the teaching of English, HSIE subjects, Book Week, and national Wear it Purple Week.

Our BDC celebrations of Book Week, and Wear it Purple Day culminated in a wonderful series of events on Friday the 26th of August. The Junior School parade gave Ali Dare (Library) and Sue O’Connor (Student Wellbeing) an opportunity to combine both themes into their costume choice for the morning parade! 

In the iHub, our Wear it Purple display featured a collection of books within the genre, and an array of visual displays that celebrated diversity within our college and in the community. Congratulations to guest speaker for the Senior Assembly, Brandon Daley, and organiser of the event, Jane Mosco for this wonderful event.

Holocaust Museum Display 

Year 10 History students recently presented their understanding of an element of the Holocaust, gained in library research sessions throughout the term. They created some amazing museum pieces which were displayed in the iHub on Thursday the 1st of September, in week 7. (Ella Butler’s work was one of several that were featured in an ongoing display in the iHub)

This was part of a series of events, including a session on Coffs Harbour at war, which was held in the Branson Centre on the following day. 

Farewell Marlene Evans - Junior Librarian

In Week 8 the BDC Library team celebrated our amazing Marlene Evans, who is retiring from her position as teacher librarian in the Junior School. Marlene has been a truly inspired, dedicated, and well-loved member of our BDC community for twenty-one years. On Wednesday we farewelled Marlene, and welcomed Joel Davis, who will be working with both Junior Library and STEM elements into Term 4 and beyond - bringing his experience of digital literacy into the realm of library studies.