
iHub update Term 1 Week 6

Wednesday, 08 Mar 2023

This month is a busy and exciting one in the iHub, with an amazing variety of staff-focused events, and some exciting student activities in our wonderful new learning space.

eSports - National FUSE Cup ‘Just Dance’ Competition

On Wednesday the 1st of March two teams of students from BDC competed in a national Just Dance competition, against 50 other schools from around Australia.

Kayla Lewis from Primary had a year 5/6 team in the tournament, and Andrew Walker had a Year 7/8 team: Amelia Pulman, Amelia Hastie, Ethan Brown, and Will Bursle that came second in their Group (out of 15) and made the national final. Although they fell to better dancers in the final all showed BDC courage, and spirit throughout and were a credit to the school. All had a great time and can’t wait to be on the team for next year!

Back Row - Amelia Hastie 7, Ethan Brown 7, Finn Marchant 6M, Amelia Pulman 7, Chloe Pulman 6M, Blareet Atwal 5M, Miss Lewis
Front Row - Lily Sameh Ali 5C, Will Bursle 7, Mr Walker

Library Lovers Day 

Not everyone is aware that February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day but Library Lovers Day, so we took the opportunity to feature some of the romance genre in a display for our readers. Each display adds to our gentrification project for the fiction section. 

Lunchtime Chess

Amongst the many students that enjoy spending time in the library at lunchtime, there have been a growing number of social chess players. We provide boards, and comfortable surroundings, and the moves are up to the players!  

Upcoming Events

  • Library staff training in Oliver and LearnPath library systems (Thursday 16th March)
  • English PD day in the iHub - The new English 7-10 Syllabus Implementation is being discussed in a one-day face-to-face professional learning opportunity, to be delivered by Ms Meaghan Hird (Friday 17th March) The iHub will be hosting this event and closed for most of the day.  
  • Harmony Day Display in conjunction with the BDC Human Rights Group we will be celebrating diversity and multiculturalism (from the 21st of March)
  • Optus Digital Thumbprint workshops for years 7-10: a series of digital citizenship sessions have been organised, and are to be held in the BDC Theatre (Thursday 30th March)