
Junior Primary News Term 2 Week 5

Wednesday, 25 May 2022


ELC Kindergarten have been learning to write sentences independently using the sounds they have been taught so far. 

The Year 1 and 2 students in ELC have been learning about money in maths. We visited the canteen to see what items we could buy for $5. We learnt everything on the menu is $5 or under and decided which items were the best value.

Year 1

Year 1 students have been exploring our new Walker Learning Investigation stations. The stations include a doctor’s surgery, underwater world, construction and magnetic blocks. It has been fantastic to see the students approaching our Investigations with such enthusiasm and a readiness to explore, create and investigate!

Year 2

Rainy days meant sport was inside! Dancing it is!

Year 3

With NAPLAN well underway this week we have spent some time consolidating our timestables facts with some exciting new games. 3N are working on quick responses and are challenging each other daily. Have they asked you to play Buzz Off in the car yet? Keep it up 3N !