
Principal's Update 2022 Term 1 Week 4

Thursday, 17 Feb 2022
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
— James 1:2-4
Year 8 Wellbeing Day

Thank you to Mrs Bruggemann and the year 8 staff for running this year’s year 8 Wellbeing Day. The staff have already commented how engaged and well behaved the students were throughout the day. It is these opportunities that really set our community apart to help the student connect with their peers, build grit and determination and set some goals for the year (oh, and have some fun).

Year 7 Camp

This week our year 7s have enjoyed the rigours and challenges of the Great Aussie Bush Camp. The staff and students were extremely excited to get involved this year, particularly after 2 years of interrupted camp due to COVID. Thank you to all staff for your commitment. I had the pleasure of joining the group for some fun activities on Thursday morning. I can’t wait to hear all the stories and adventures.

View the photo gallery here 

Monday is Kindy’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic - don’t forget your teddy.

Senior Hub

Last Friday, I had the honour of officially turning the sod on the initial construction phases of the new Senior Hub building. This facility will provide improved facilities for your year 11 and 12 students connecting our senior common room to a study centre. The design will also enhance the water retention basis which is being repurposed as an attractive gathering space called the Meditation Garden. We expect these two projects to be completed mid-year.

iHub (Secondary Library) Upgrade

The first phase of the secondary library was opened to students and staff on Friday this week. Over the holidays, staff and contractors have been working feverishly to complete the project which includes new IT facilities and staff relocation, study spaces, and class gathering areas. This investment has included all new shelving, carpet, paintwork, furniture, together with l lighting and IT upgrade. The next phase will include the development of the innovation centre and some extra study booths.

BDC Recycling Challenge

We are very excited to launch the school house 10c recycling challenge in the last couple of weeks, and so pleased to see that the students are already embracing the challenge by depositing their containers, and even bringing some from home. There's prizes involved, and all funds raised go towards the Anglicare Coffs Harbour Soup Kitchen. You can find out more by watching the video here: 

BDC Parents’ and Friends’ Association Meeting

The first meeting of the year will be held in person at the Roger Oates Centre on Monday at 6pm. We have a new exciting executive team lead by Belinda Musgrave and a few surprises at the first meeting regarding event and facility planning.

Nick Johnstone 