
Performing Arts Term 1 Week 3

Wednesday, 15 Feb 2023

Welcome back! It has been so lovely seeing all of the staff and students return this year and our students have quickly re-engaged with our performing arts programs which has been wonderful to see.

New staff

We have welcomed Mrs Rachel Caesar to the performing arts team as the new Performing Arts Manager. Many of you will be familiar with Mrs Caesar from her involvement with primary teaching and the performing arts, especially dance clubs and eisteddfod performances. Rachel is now the key contact for any questions regarding our extra-curricular programs, including Dance Academy, clubs, music tuition, ensembles, performances, and Friends of Performing Arts.

Ms Rachel Crismale has also taken some Year 9 English classes this term. To accommodate this, we welcome back to 60Ƶapp Mrs Ethel Cooper who will be taking a number of drama and music classes for the rest of the year. It is lovely to have Mrs Cooper back at the college.

Callback - Emily Hodges

Congratulations to Emily Hodges (class of 2022) who received full marks for her HSC Dance Performance exams and was selected to perform at Callback, a showcase of exemplary HSC dance performances from across the state. Emily represented 60Ƶapp at the Seymour Centre in Sydney last Thursday, performing her Major Performance which was choreographed by her teacher, Ms Hannah Johnson. This is an outstanding achievement for Emily and Ms Johnson. Emily is now living in Sydney and studying at ED5 International School - following her passion for the performing arts. Thank you also to Ms Hannah Johnson for arranging an excursion to Sydney for our dance students to see Callback and Emily.

Dance Academy 2023

Auditions for the primary and secondary Dance Academies were held on Tuesday. Thank you to all of those students who auditioned. You will be advised of your positions shortly. Secondary Dance Academy will run during Periods 3-4 on Tuesdays and Primary Academies will be held during Periods 5-6 on Fridays. 

Dance Clubs - Primary

Mrs Caesar is currently running Dance Clubs for primary students in the Dance Studio. Stage 2 Dance Club is held on Monday lunchtime and Stage 1 is Thursday lunch. These are fun groups and students do not need to audition to be part of them. If any students are interested, please come and see Mrs Caesar in the Music Department or Ms Johnson in the Dance Studio.

Drama Academy

Our Drama Academy students had their first lesson last week and the students were given their new Drama Academy shirts. The group consists of Year 8 students only and the classes are held during Kaizen time on Wednesdays after lunch. The Drama Academy is an accelerated program for advanced students with a focus on developing performance and production skills. It is an inspiring and innovative program that gives students the opportunity to challenge themselves as drama students and explore future careers in the Drama industry. Thank you to Ms Crismale and Ms Gudgeon for leading this group.

Music Tuition

Instrumental music lessons have resumed for the term and most tutors have finalised timetables now. If you have submitted an application form to learn an instrument, and you have not been contacted by a tutor, please email Mrs Caesar. 

String Teaching

We are currently seeking a violin teacher and a cello teacher to join our Instrumental teaching staff. Ms Sandra Smith is currently teaching violin students until we find a replacement teacher - thank you Ms Smith. If anybody knows of a violin and/or cello teacher who would be willing to work at BDC, please contact Mrs Day or Mrs Caesar. 


Our ensembles are all back up and running. If any student is interested in joining an ensemble, please speak to one of the music teachers. Please see below a list of our ensembles and their rehearsal times plus rooming:

​Ensembles/groups-Timetable 2023
Percussion Ensemble
Pete Skelton
8 am
Highly Strung
Sandra Smith
Secondary Choir
Cathryn Burgess
8 am
Sandra Smith and Peter Morgan
Woodwind Ensemble
Peter Morgan
Junior Rock Band
Tony Rowley
Grace Notes choir
Kate Freeman
Junior Jazz Band
Danny Stitt and, Georgie Chorley
Period 3
Primary Performance Choir
Rach Caesar
Senior Jazz Band
Danny Stitt and Georgie Chorley
Beginner Band
Peter Morgan
Morning 9 am
Suzuki group
Sandra Smith
Joy Choir
Kate Freeman

Lunchtime Concerts and Assemblies

Lunchtime concerts for the year have resumed and will be held again on Fridays in M1 this year. If any students or groups of students would like to sign up to perform at a lunchtime concert, please contact Mrs Caesar or speak to someone in the music department.

Primary and secondary assemblies are also a great opportunity for students to perform. Thank you to Isobel Fisher and Keira Garner from Year 6 for performing “Count on Me” at the first Secondary Assembly. They did an amazing job! Thank you also the Digby Greenaway, Izzy Dal Pozzo and Camble Scott for performing “I Fall in Love Too Easily” by Chet Baker at the Secondary Assembly in Week 2.

Also, thank you to Sarah Jupe and Jaela Hibbard for leading the singing of the National Anthem at both Secondary Assemblies. 


We definitely hit the ground running this year, with performance opportunities for our students being offered from the start of the term. Our first big event was the Sundowner, held on Wednesday Week 2 on the Music Lawn. A massive thank you to the HSC Music students (Max Egan, Jasper Thompson and Sam Fisher) and the Secondary Jazz Band (Riley Biggs, Digby Greenaway, Izzy Dal Pozzo, Camble Scott and Cooper Lane) for performing. Both groups played 30 minute sets which was a big ask considering this was Week 2 of the year! They did an amazing job - thank you!

Music Information Evening

On Tuesday 21st February, all new and existing families who are interested in any of our music programs including tuition and ensembles, are warmly invited to attend an information session in M1 from 5:30pm. At this night, music staff will provide an overview of the program and will be available to answer any questions you may have. All are welcome to attend.

Ash Wednesday

Next Wednesday (22nd February) is Ash Wednesday and there will be a K-12 service in the Branson Centre from 9am. Students who are involved in the Primary Choir as well as Highly Strung will be performing at this event. Students in these groups will need to wear their performance uniform at this service. If you need to purchase a new uniform, please see the Uniform Shop between 8am - 4pm Tuesday - Thursday.

Music through the ages

On Monday, 6th March Dr Philip Rutherford from the Central Coast Conservatorium will be visiting the college to run workshops with music students. The workshops will focus on students developing their aural skills and musical concepts through music history as well as HSC advice and analysis. Students who study Elective Music (Year 9-12) as well our High Performance Performing Arts music students have been invited to attend these workshops. Acceptance is via Parent Lounge. Please see Mrs Day if you have any questions regarding this.

Australian Honours Ensemble Program 2023 (AHEP)

Nominations for involvement in the Australian Honours Ensemble Program (AHEP) 2023 are due. If you are interested in participating in this program, please let Mrs Caesar know. Students must be a minimum Grade 6 AMEB (or equivalent) on an orchestral instrument to be included in the program. Every year, we have a number of students who attend this event at Griffith University in Queensland and it is a great opportunity for our music students.

Friends of Performing Arts 2023

Mrs Rachel Caesar will be coordinating the Friends of Performing Arts group this year. FoPA group consists of parents who are passionate about the performing arts at the college. The group meets twice per term to discuss events at the school and help raise funds to purchase large ticket items for the faculty. Our first fundraising event will be the BDC Mud Run on Friday 3 March. The FoPA will be running the BBQ and assisting with fundraising on the day. If you are able to volunteer some of your time, please let Rachel know.

Upcoming Events for your Diary

  • Tuesday 21st February - Music Information Evening in M1 from 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 22nd February - Ash Wednesday Service from 9am in BC
  • Friday 3 March - BDC Mud Run 
  • Monday 6th March - Music Through the Ages - M1
  • Tuesday 28th March - Primary Music Camp - Bonville Adventure Centre
  • Wednesday 29th March - Primary Music Camp - Bonville Adventure Centre
  • Thursday 30th March - Primary Music Camp performances at Primary Assembly
  • Friday 31st March - Connections at Dusk featuring Pablo Blitzer - Music Lawn 5:30pm
  • Thursday 6th April - K-12 Easter Service - Branson Centre

Rebecca Day
Head of Performing Arts