
Primary and Secondary News

Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Sleep Hygiene

As we approach the end of the term, we would like to draw your attention to an essential aspect of your child's overall well-being: sleep hygiene. Adequate sleep plays a pivotal role in your child's growth, development, and academic success. Sleep is not just a period of rest; it is a vital process that allows the body and mind to rejuvenate and recharge. For children, who are constantly growing and learning, quality sleep is even more critical. 

So what are the benefits?

Enhanced Cognitive Function: A good night's sleep improves concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills. It helps children stay focused and alert throughout the day, enabling them to perform better academically and engage more effectively in learning activities.

Physical Growth and Development: During sleep, the body releases growth hormones that are essential for your child's physical development. Regular and adequate sleep aids in building strong bones and muscles, supporting healthy weight management, and boosting the immune system.

Emotional Well-being: Sufficient sleep plays a crucial role in regulating emotions and mood. Children who experience regular and quality sleep are more likely to have a positive outlook, manage stress effectively, and exhibit better emotional control.

Improved Behaviour and Attention: Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, impulsive behaviour, and difficulty in regulating emotions. By prioritising sleep hygiene, you can help your child maintain a balanced mood, reduce behavioural problems, and enhance their ability to concentrate and pay attention.

So what can I do to promote better sleep in my child?

Establish Consistent Bedtime Routine: Set a consistent sleep schedule for your child, including a regular bedtime and wake-up time. A predictable routine helps regulate the internal body clock and signals to the brain that it is time to wind down.

Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Ensure that your child's bedroom is quiet, dark, and comfortable. Minimise distractions by removing electronic devices and promoting a calm and relaxing atmosphere conducive to sleep.

Limit Screen Time Before Bed: The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns. Encourage your child to avoid electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, for at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, engage in quiet activities like reading or listening to calming music.

Promote Physical Activity: Regular exercise during the day can contribute to better sleep at night. Encourage your child to engage in age-appropriate physical activities, such as outdoor play or sports, to expend energy and promote a more restful sleep.

Healthy Sleep Habits for the Whole Family: As parents, you are role models for your children. Set a good example by prioritising your own sleep hygiene. Demonstrating the importance of restful sleep will reinforce the value of healthy sleep habits for the entire family.

For those families that find sleep hygiene challenging, you may wish to access an app to support you or your child.   Sleep Ninja is a Black Dog Institute created app providing evidence-based strategies to help young people improve their sleep.  As a free download, it doesn’t hurt to try.

By implementing these tips and making sleep hygiene a priority in your child's routine, you can help them reap the numerous benefits of a good night's sleep. Remember, establishing healthy sleep habits takes time and consistency, so be patient and persistent. Remember sleep promotes sleep so a good routine is vital.  

Richard Smith
Assistant Principal (Head of Primary)

Secondary Matters

30th Anniversary Dinner, Opening of the David Ford Centre and Win Howard Building

It has been an exciting Term 2 with some major events and a special day to have both Win and David present as the Bishop commissioned and opened both areas. Many Year 12 students have already enjoyed the range of specialist rooms including Languages, Business Services, food and Hospitality, STEM lab and the Year 10-11 common area in the Win Howard Building. The Class of 2023 are the first group to enjoy the benefits of the David Ford Centre with our Careers Pathways Coach, the Senior Coordinators and study rooms. We also thank Win and David for their ongoing commitment and service to the college and our College Council as they invest in and support the needs of our growing student body, especially our senior students. The new centre is part of the BDC Advantage as our seniors work towards their goals of further study at university or TAFE pathways.

Year 12

The University Admission Centre (UAC), School Recommendation Scheme (SRS) and a number of other university key centres are now open and accepting applications. This includes accommodation at many universities for 2024. By the end of this term Year 12 students should have updated their Students Online NESA account, joined UAC if applying for NSW university and checked in with Mrs Driscoll for pots school options.

A reminder that university entrances in Victoria or NSW or QLD are through different organisations. We advise Year 12 to complete applicant details well before the due date, if you leave it to late, extra information required or passing to the school for advice may be too late.

There have already been 6 students receive early entry to universities, including: Bond University, Macquarie University and University of Newcastle. 

Year 10 into Year 11

AT this time of Term 2 Ms Gudgeon, Mrs Driscoll and Mr Verbruggen have commenced the discussions and workshops on the next steps into Year 11 2024. Many students have commenced this part of the Excelsior Journey through accelerated Business Studies, Mathematics or Studies of Religion. However, this term will culminate in Year 10 receiving their curriculum hand books in the last week of Term 2. In Week 1 Term 3, Year 10 will also complete career and taster days when they will then enter their Year 11 subject choices online for 2024. Our college arranges subjects and lines as a result of student choice, patterns resourcing and staffing available. Students are advised to choose based on interest and ability and then if there are any desired subjects for a future career or study. Unfortunately, sometimes a course may not run or a class happens where two preferred student choices could be on at the same time. If this occurs, students will be encouraged to choose their next best preference.

During the start of Term 3, we also ask all Year 10 to participate in interviews for their future Year 11-12 studies. The interview times will open early in Term 3.

Year 11 

Year 10 important dates:

  • 22nd June, Thursday, Week 9 Term 2. Year 10 receives curriculum pathway handbooks to take home.
  • 18-19th July, Term 3, Week 1, Career Workshops during the school day with Mrs Driscoll.
  • 20-21st July, Term 3, Week 1, HSC class taster sessions in normal class time with Mr Verbruggen.
  • 24th July, Year 10 interviews commence (further details shared Term 3). 
  • 3rd August, Term 3, Week 3, Year 10 subject choices due.

For further information on the Year 10 to 11 2024 process, please contact Ms Gudgeon or Mr Verbruggen.

Year 8 into Year 9 2024

Mr Close and Mr Verbruggen will soon commence discussions and workshops on the next steps into Year 9 2024 for World Option electives. At the end of Term 2, Year 8 will receive their World Option curriculum handbooks in the last week of Term 2.  Students are advised to choose based on interest and ability. Unfortunately, sometimes a course may not run or a class happens where two preferred student choices could be on at the same time. If this occurs, students will be encouraged to choose their next best preference.

In Week 1 Term 3, Year 8 will also complete a workshop on choices and then they will enter their Year 9 World Option choices online for 2024. Year 8 important dates:

22nd June, Thursday, Week 9 Term 2. Year 8 receives a World Option elective handbook to take home.

Term 3, Week 1, World Option workshop during the school day with Mr Verbruggen.

3rd August, Term 3, Week 3, Year 8 World Option choices due.

For further information on the Year 8 to 9 2024 process, please contact Mr Close or Mr Verbruggen.

Foundation Day Friday 23rd June

Week 9 commences with NAIDOC Week and finishes with Foundation Day. The last day of term is a K-12 celebration of our history and current college community. All students come in their winter uniform to start the day with our Foundation Day service. This is then followed by our fair run by Mrs Brown and Year 12, lunch together in house groups and games for primary and secondary students in house groups. We look forward to the fair that Year 12 are planning and coordinating.

Winter Uniform 2023

Winter uniform has commenced. Thank you to our students who have had a very good start. This includes wearing a school tie, blazer, or soft shell to and from home.

Uniform Code and PE Shorts and Skirts Presentation by Mrs Sue O’Connor our K-12 Director of Student Wellbeing:

Good morning, I would just like to follow up on Mr Doyle's talk last week about uniforms and address a particular issue. The length of some student’s skirts and sport or PE shorts. 

This week after Mr Doyle spoke, there has been a noticeable improvement - so thank you. However, there are still quite a few students who are rolling up their skirts and PE shorts to make them shorter. Some skirts are so short that walking up stairs and bending over is a task that requires the person to hold their skirt, so that their undies are not shown.   

This may sound a bit funny to you but to those of us who are witnessing this, it is uncomfortable and can be embarrassing. School is meant to be a safe and supportive environment where every individual feels comfortable and respected. By adhering to the college uniform code and the appropriate length of these items and indeed all uniform items, we create an environment that promotes inclusivity and ensures that no one feels singled out or objectified based on their clothing choices. 

The term uniform means 'all the same’ for this very reason.  

The correct length of the BDC school skirt and PE shorts should be in the middle of your knee and your thigh or longer - not shorter. 

I am asking all our staff to address those students who are rolling up skirts and shorts. By Staff I mean our Secondary teachers, teacher aides, Administration staff and our Primary staff. If there is cause for a staff person to address a student about their skirt or shorts, they will initially ask you to roll them down.   

Should you be asked more than once, you know they will enter a PC (just as they would for incorrect shoes, socks, or jumpers if they are incorrect and not rectified). And this will be followed up in the normal way according to our Behaviour management process. 

If the skirt or shorts are not rolled up and are naturally that short, Your Year Coordinators will contact home requesting new items be purchased from the uniform shop immediately.  

If you are challenged by a staff person, it is for no other reason than you are not wearing the uniform correctly. It is not sexist or sexualising, it is not stifling your individuality or your character, it is not targeting individuals, it is not inappropriate, nor is it someone looking where they shouldn’t be. It is simply because your skirt or your PE shorts are not the correct length and are probably rolled up. 

Uniforms are designed to foster a sense of unity and equality, ensuring that everyone is on an equal footing, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. The uniform code and guidelines include all items including the skirt length. They exist to create a level playing field, meet community expectations and avoid unnecessary comparison.  The uniform code is a part of why your parents enrolled you at BDC. Your individuality can be celebrated in a number of different ways at BDC. But not through wearing the uniform the incorrect way. I would be very happy to have a conversation or answer any questions after the assembly if you would like to stay behind.

Simon Doyle
Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

On Thursday the 25th of May, Year 11 students hosted morning tea for the staff of BDC as a part of Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. The students provided a range of amazing treats to share with their teachers, raising over $200 in the process. Hosting this event has been a regular service activity for Year 11 over the years but this is the first year we have been able to participate post covid. It was a wonderful way for staff and students to connect with each other. 

Congratulations Year 11.

Kokoda Challenge

iHub Matters

Fuse Cup 2023

On May 5th our primary and senior Fuse Cup teams competed with 17 teams from 12 schools all over Australia. Years 5-8 were represented, and the commitment of our teams was inspiring. The senior team, consisting of: Xavier Butcherine, Jackson Smith, won the online national championship on the day. Zann McCarthy, and Billy Conlon also represented the senior school, and were in fine form.

The primary team, Logan Smith, Alex Battaglia, Kiva Solomon, and Ryan Paynter all played extremely well, and Logan and Kiva made the quarter-finals. 

Thank you to inspiring coaches Andrew Walker (senior), and Joel Davis (primary) for their dedication to the eSports initiatives at BDC.

BDC 30th Anniversary Display

For the week leading up to the 30th anniversary celebrations, the iHub digital display monitors featured a fascinating display of nearly 100 images of the development and history of the college over the past 30 years. Congratulations to Mr Scott Rodham (Archivist), and Holly Heather (Marketing & Events Coordinator), and the amazing team of people that brought the events together.

Reconciliation Display

In recognition of Sorry Day, and Reconciliation Week an array of books from the BDC senior library collection have been put on display for week 6. These include biographies, relevant fiction titles, historical texts, and books on the social and political background to the reconciliation process. 

Upcoming Events

In Week 7 we have visiting author, Isobelle Carmody coming to the iHub to work with some of our Year 11 and 12 English Extension students. Isobelle will also be a featured speaker at the Bellingen Writers Festival on June 9-11.