
Primary end of term update, including EYE week

Thursday, 09 Dec 2021

Thank you for your support of the college in what has been another difficult year. Your patience with regard to the different health orders, remote learning and inclement weather has been much appreciated. Our students and staff have done a wonderful job during these times; being flexible and resilient, and we have continued to receive wonderful thanks and support from our parent body in recognising this. 

EYE Festival 

After needing to make a few changes along the way, our EYE Festival was another wonderful success. We kept with BDC tradition and had class flags, morning assemblies and creative arts activities throughout the middle of the day. It certainly was wonderful to end the year on such a positive note. A special thanks to Mrs Rebecca Rodger and Mrs Sarah Stokes who coordinated this special week for us and for our amazing Primary staff who pulled together to make this a special week on our BDC calendar. Much like the Olympics, we look forward to our 20th celebration next year, where we can celebrate in style...hopefully COVID free! 

View the EYE Week 2021 - gallery here 

Presentation Day 

Thank you to all of the amazing parents who logged in our wonderful Presentation Day media clips this year. Whilst we could have parents on campus to see this assembly, it was great to still be able to share in the joy of such a wonderful event. It was a fitting way to say ‘farewell’ to our departing Year 6 Leaders, who were so confident in delivering the assembly on the day. 

Staff Leaving BDC in 2021 

At the end of the year we will say goodbye to Rev. David Morgan and Mrs Ruth Stuart. 

Rev. David has been working at BDC for over fifteen years, supporting the Wellbeing Team as a Chaplain. I’m sure that Rev. David will enjoy the extra time he will have to pursue his passion for cars. 

Ruth has been a wonderful servant of the college within the Performing Arts Department. Many of our BDC alumni will be able to look back at their first beginnings and think of a time Ruth has inspired them to pursue their musical passion. 

We wish both Rev. David and Ruth all of the best in their future endeavors outside of BDC. 

We also say a big thank you to Mrs Jen Booth who is taking a year off next year to venture out into the big wide world. I’m sure we will no doubt see Jen running or riding around Coffs in her spare time. We wish her a very relaxing year off.

Another familiar face we will say goodbye to will be Mrs Lorraine Jeffs. Lorraine has spent the last five weeks working in 2M whilst Mrs Maker is having her baby. We thank Mrs Jeffs for all of her hard work, not only stepping into 2M, but for her continued support as a relief teacher. I’m sure we will see Mrs Jeffs back again next year. 

Welcoming Staff 

We will be welcoming three new staff into the Primary next year. Mrs Christable Martin will teach in Year 5, Mrs Kate Toovey in Year 1 and Mrs Christa Pitman in Year 6. I’m sure that the students and parents will all make our new staff feel welcome next year when they begin teaching with us. 

Uniform 2022 

Since starting at the college, I have spoken to all of the Primary students about the importance of making sure they begin their day with an amazing uniform. I am a firm believer in the saying ‘...if you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you do good.’ Please take the time over the break to view our college Uniform Policy, especially before purchasing shoes and getting a haircut for your child prior to starting the year. Shoes should be formal black shoes, as opposed to skate or runner type footwear. Students with hair touching their collar, including the very popular ‘mullets’ should be tied back. Haircuts should remain conservative in nature. 

On behalf of all of our Primary staff, we wish our families a fun filled and safe Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you all back again next year. 


Richard Smith 

Assistant Principal (Head of Primary)