
Primary news - 2022 Term 1 Week 6

Thursday, 03 Mar 2022

Well, what a wet and wild few weeks we have had.  Whilst it is certainly not ideal to have to close the school, it was definitely the safety option for all of our community.  We continue to see and hear about the devastation the flooding is causing communities from Sydney through to Brisbane, and rejoice in the spirit of humanity in how communities pull together. 

As the Head of Primary, I have never been prouder than when I visited rooms and saw classes talking about what they can do to support those in need.  BDC has a proud tradition of service learning and people coming together to do what they can.  In light of our friends in the Northern Rivers losing homes, schools and loved ones, our students in Primary and right across the school have come up with lots of ways to help out.

Mrs Casey Johnston, a member of our REP team, is working closely with the wellbeing team to collect stationary supplies, loose change donations and collections of towels, bedding and toiletries which we will see get to those in need.  Donations can be sent to the Wellbeing Hub or classroom teachers. 

Richard Smith

Assistant Principal (Head of Primary)