
Primary News Term 3 Week 3

Wednesday, 03 Aug 2022

The Science of Strengths

Most of us would have grown up talking to our teachers or coaches about goals, strengths and weaknesses. If you are like me, you would have noticed that your weaknesses have probably remained your weaknesses. They may have improved a little, or you have found strategies to support them, but they are most likely things you still struggle with. For those of us who like to move around a lot and jump into things with great gusto, remaining prudent can be a difficult task.  

“Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave.” 
Taken from via.character.org

Within Primary, we have continued to look at strengths and how they can benefit us on a daily basis. In the first two weeks of the term, each class focused on ‘Teamwork’ and what it looks like, feels like and how it can benefit us. Over weeks three and four, we will look at ‘Love of Learning’. Within our classrooms we have special posters which our teachers refer to as they work to spot the strength in action. These posters, purchased from Geelong Grammar School’s The Positive Institute, are a body of work in conjunction with the founder of positive psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman.  

Strength spotting within ourselves often feels very unnatural and is difficult for people, but with practice it can become a great asset. We are far more adept at spotting strengths in others.  However, most of us still see this as a role of a psychologist.  

Take the time to speak to your children about strengths and how they use them. You may even wish to visit the VIA Institute on Character and take their short test to see what your strengths are. As we get better at this, you may learn to harness your strengths to become more energised, leading to better health and a feeling of greater purpose.  

If you would like to learn more about our strengths, feel free to come along to our assemblies each fortnight. Be sure to check Schoolbox for Assembly updates.  

Strength Focus Weeks Assembly
1 and 2
Thursday 28 July
Love of Learning
3 and 4
Thursday 11 August
Open Mindedness
5 and 6
Thursday 25 August
7 and 8
Thursday 8 September


Art - This term we are doing print making in Art. We started by making bubble prints with detergent, water, paint and straws. We loved making the bubbles and carefully catching them with our paper. We drew colourful fish to swim in the bubbles!

Maths - We have been busy learners in our Maths lessons in Kindy, making patterns, using MAB blocks to learn about tens and ones, finding Friends of 10 and practicing writing numbers. We are playing lots of games to help us to consolidate our learning.

Teamwork - We are learning every day what it means to be a team. Working together, listening to each other, cooperating, problem-solving, kindness, care for each other. The Kindy Team is doing great things together!

Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Green 

This year BDC would love to support the Coffs Harbour Running Festival and join in the Southern Cross University Schools Challenge by entering a team of runners. Cash prizes to the schools with the highest number of participants to spend on sporting equipment. The aim of this event  is to encourage participation across the region from local school children and to get them outdoors doing something fun and healthy in their local community. The more students who participate from school, the more chance the school has of winning the sporting vouchers. So let’s join forces and give it our best shot. Students, parents & teachers are all welcome to join in this event. 

To support our runners, I will continue to hold Friday morning Running Club at 8:15am. All students from Year 3 and up are welcome to join.

WHEN: Sunday September 11th


  • 10 km RUN - (age 12+) - $35 : Start Time:  7:00am - Race Brief: 6:45am                                              
  • 36.1km  Nyami and Jaanybarr of the Creek (age 16+),  $70                                                                       
  • 21.1 km Half Marathon RUN - (age 16+), $55 Start Time:  8:10am - Race Brief:  7:55am                        
  • 5km RUN - $25 Start Time:  10:15am - Race Brief:  10:00am                                                                     
  • 3km RUN/WALK - $15 Start Time:  11:00am - Race Brief:  10:45am

HOW:: Online Entries close Wednesday, September 7th at 5:00pm. Please use to enter. Late Entries will be accepted on availability on Saturday 10th September from 

2.00pm-4.00pm at the Coffs Harbour Showground and will incur a $10 late fee per person. No late entries accepted on race day.


When you enter the Running Festival, you will be asked to select your school from a dropdown menu. The schools are broken up into categories based on enrolment numbers and the school with the highest percentage of participants in each category will receive cash to spend on sporting equipment as set out below: - 

School Size Amount are:

Extra Small: $500 (minimum 5 entries to qualify) 

Small: $1000 

Medium: $1500 

Large: $2000

I look forward to seeing you back at training Week One Friday. 

Christabel Martin
Year 5 Teacher