
Principal's Update 2022 Term 1 Week 6

Thursday, 03 Mar 2022
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
— Psalm 32:1-2,6-7

To say that the last two weeks have been busy is an understatement. Thank you to all parents and carers for your understanding of the two-day closure of the campus due to the floods. We were fortunate enough to be able to host most of our events this last fortnight around the weather, these included year 10 Pindari Camp, our ACER Academic Scholarship Examinations, the College Council Governance Training, our Ash Wednesday Service and last week’s Teddy Bear’s Picnic. The primary students were also able to compete in Alstonville in the NCIS Primary Swimming Championship. 

This week, though, our thoughts and prayers go out to our families and friends in the Northern Rivers. Our sister schools in Ballina and on the Tweed have been struggling with the flood coupled with the high tides. The college has kept our lines of communication open with them and I will ask our community to support these families in the coming days.

Pancake Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

As an Anglican College, we celebrate key events in the Christian calendar. Pancake Tuesday (or Shrove Tuesday) and Ash Wednesday are important traditions for our community. Pancake Tuesday, however,  became a virtual experience for most this week or perhaps you recognised this day with some home cooking. The mixture that was prepared by the students was donated to the Uniting Church Soup Kitchen on Tuesday. They were extremely grateful. Thank you to Mrs O’Connor for organising this donation.

Ash Wednesday was recognised with a full school service in the Branson Centre. This was the first all-school service since Easter last year due to COVID restrictions. Ash Wednesday represents the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of penitence and reflection that commemorates the trial and deprivation faced by Jesus during his time in the desert. This week’s service was also special as we welcomed (and commissioned) Rev Nic Hagon into the 60ÊÓƵapp community. The service was also one of our first events, in many many months, where our performance choice and our string ensemble were able to play together. Things are starting to return to normal.

Open Days - Date Claimer - Saturday 21 May and Tuesday 24 May 

Our College Open Day is always a highlight in our calendar and if you missed it last year I would encourage you to find the time to visit and maybe bring a friend as well. We will be showcasing our signature teaching and learning programs as a key part of the program for 2022.

NCIS Swimming Carnival Success 

Congratulations to our primary school swimmers (2nd place) at the recent North Coast Independent Schools’ swimming championships held at the Alstonville Aquatic Centre. They put in a fantastic effort and should be extremely proud of their attitude, effort and behaviour. Our secondary squad will also be very competitive in their championships on 17 March.

Year 10 camp 

It was a pleasure to attend the year 10 camp in Pindari last week, and to witness the enthusiasm and ease with which students took on challenges ranging from quad biking, to mountain climbing, canoeing and so much more. Many of the students were well out of their comfort zone, being one of the key benefits of camps and outdoor education experiences at school and no doubt one which will leave lasting memories for our students, and staff. Thank you to all of the staff who organised and participated in making this a wonderful experience for our students.

View the full Year 10 Camp Gallery here 

Scholarships for 2023

Applications for scholarships with a special focus and the Noel Jackson Memorial Bursary commencing in 2023 are now open.  These applications close at the end of Term 1. Please submit applications through the college website:



(Noel Jackson Memorial Bursary information is at the bottom of this link).

The academic scholarship examinations were held last Saturday.

Classes for 2023-2025

Enrolments for 2023, 2024 and 2025 are being organised at present and I encourage families who have not yet informed the college about their plans for 2023 and beyond to do so before the end of Term 1. If you have family or friends wishing to join the college please encourage them to organise a tour with me this term so that the enrolment process can be organised in a timely fashion. Kindy and year 7 classes for 2023 are close to full already.

College Council Governance and Theological Training

On Friday and Saturday last week, the College Council met to work with school governance expert, Dr Stephen Codrington. They completed 8 hours of training over the two sessions and I wish to thank our College Council for their professionalism and their dedication. The Most Reverend Bishop Dr Murray Harvey also visited on Friday afternoon and presented a session on Anglicanism and Schools. This was well received by the College Council and highlighted the importance of pastoral care within Anglican schools. Bishop Murray will be presenting these sessions at the other Anglican schools in the Diocese of Grafton over the coming months.

Nick Johnstone