
Principal's message - 2021 Term 3 Week 10

Thursday, 16 Sept 2021
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
— Romans 15:13
Welcome back and well done

It was tremendous to talk with many of our students since our return to campus this week. The excitement in their and our faces was noteworthy. I wish to thank all families for working with the college during this four-week lockdown period. I am extremely grateful and proud of our community. Hopefully the current restrictions will continue through the holiday period. 

Good luck to our year 12s 

Congratulations to our year 12 valedictorians who have now completed the formal part of their schooling. I have been extremely proud of this cohort, who have displayed incredible resilience throughout both their preliminary courses and their HSC year. Over the last few days I have read their final reports and can attest to their focus and determination. I wish them all the best over the extended preparation period and when the HSC examinations start in November. Currently we are planning for our year 12s to return for some further face to face preparation in weeks 1 and 2 next term and then move into the study period. We are still planning for a formal valedictory dinner later in the year. 

Read Farewell to the class of 2021

Message of Hope

I enjoy a diverse set of reading through my personal learning network on LinkedIn and Twitter and one of the industry professionals I follow is Glen Gerreyn. I have had the pleasure of working with Glen a few times in schools past but I thought I would share a recent article of his on hope. 

Read Anchored in Hope by Glen Gerreyn

New and Departing Families Information

The college has almost completed the enrolment process for 2022  and to avoid waiting lists in select year groups I would appreciate it if you could advise the school if you are going to withdraw your child at any stage in Term 4 this year. 

I also encourage families who have younger children that have not yet enrolled to complete their application as soon as possible for 2023. 

COVID advice for Term 4

At the time of writing the newsletter schools in regional NSW are currently in Level 3 restrictions with a recent change being the masks update.

This was last updated on Monday 13 September

This means that term 4 will start how term 3 has finished. All students will continue with their face to face studies on campus with restrictions in place for a variety of co-curricular events. We will communicate what can continue, what needs to be postponed until later in the year and what unfortunately needs to be cancelled in the first two weeks of term 4.

I wish to thank all members of our community for their continued support and their resilience and encourage all students to enjoy some time away from screens over the two week break. We look forward to catching up with you for what will be a busy and fulfilling term 4. 

Nick Johnstone 