
Principal's News Term 2 Week 3

Wednesday, 15 May 2024
To be part of something great…

The Little Mermaid musical was a sold-out success. We received many thank you and congratulatory emails from school students, staff, and members of our community. The recognition is a result of a great community effort: the crew behind the scenes, multiple parent helpers, the commitment of staff and volunteers and the magnificent student cast that all deserve our congratulations. There were many hours of rehearsals, including weekends, with some students volunteering to be on the door and others performing in the evening, culminating in a series of truly great performances. Our students became a part of something great that they will remember forever.

My experience at high school consistently as a member of the “crowd scene” are still great memories. We congratulate our cast and crew for the 2024 The Little Mermaid Musical. The following people, amongst many, have been the drive and inspiration across many months: Rachel Caesar as Musical Director - outstanding, Nanette Backhouse as creative costume designer, Amber Baldwin on lighting/audio, Hannah Johnson with choreography, Sally Crane, Chris Haynes, Sandra Smith on music, Holly Heather, Karina Rothacker, Truus Meulenbroeks, Joel Blythe and many more.

Of course, congratulations to the outstanding blue and green cast members. Our lead actors were Ella Chowdery and Lillian Cruwys as Ariel, Tim Hardman as Prince Eric, Ziggy Hibbard and Bhadra Aravind as Sebastian, Lauren Blair and Ava Galway as Ursula, Ben Caesar as Triton, Bonnie Green and Sally Bartlett as Flounder, Mia O’Reilly and Elsa Harnett as Scuttle and Zannah Harnett as Grimsby.

Mother’s Day 2024
was another big morning, with many volunteers setting up, serving, managing traffic and packing up. This is one of our biggest and most fun family events at the college. I have been fortunate to grow up surrounded by caring, hardworking, selfless, and strong women. Grandmother Doyle had 13 children (many born on a farm without medical assistance), Nanna McKechnie had 5 children and her first house had a dirt floor. My mother is a twin who was relentless in her pursuit for a good education for all of us, she was faith filled and made many sacrifices. My mother-in-law is patient but with a similar drive and influence. Fortunately for me, as husband to Kellie and father to our daughter, this inspirational influence continues each day. I hope that you were able to recognise or celebrate the importance of motherhood and the special qualities that are demonstrated every day by our mothers, not just on Mother’s Day. Thank you to our sponsors who generously gave to the raffle at our breakfast. Now we look forward to the annual Father’s Day Breakfast in September

  • Sarah McLauchlan Gardens
  • Lisa Casagrande
  • Photography by Fallon
  • Coastal Gymnastics
  • SLR Productions
  • Colourcraft Design Studio
  • Feather Flower Creative
  • Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Coffs Harbour Musical Comedy Company
  • Valla Pharmacy
  • Tupperware with Tupperkimmy
  • Jetty Dental
  • ImGorgeous Products
  • Affirmations
  • Emerald Island Distillery
  • RSVP Bridal & Formal
Kreu Young School 10 Year Anniversary and founding Principal Mr Sopheap Yin.

Our partnership continues to grow with our sister school in Cambodia and as part of our Anglican mission and faithfulness in service ethos, it is also another excellent example of being part of something great. To see the difference that one person can make across two countries and the benefits between our two communities is exceptional. Sopheap is visionary for his community and students and aims to further develop our partnership to benefit both schools. 

Sopheap met with our Year 11 students who are going to Cambodia this year, accompanied by Mr Johnstone, Mrs Pitman and Mrs Caesar. We are looking forward to the next 10 years and further initiatives between the two schools to be confirmed during our immersion later this year. Mr Mick Klipin will be heading off on a combination of his own leave and professional development time to further embed our relationship from Week 5 this term at Kreu Young School Cambodia. 

Thank you to our students and staff across the campus for making Sopheap feel welcome. We celebrated the anniversary with beautiful wooden plaques made by Mr Graham and a delicious anniversary cake provided by Mr Linke and our Hospitality students.

A week in sport

Term 2 has started at full speed with many sporting teams competing in the first three weeks of Term 2. This is a complex schedule across K-12 and the weather makes it interesting as well. Our coaches, with Mrs Prue Graham, Ms Kellie Reinhold, academy specialists and the many volunteer officials and coaches for the Barracuda Sporting Club are to be congratulated on the great start for sport this term.

  • NSW State Cup Basketball teams competed last week. Thank you to coaches Robbie Linton and Zara Baldwin, with Zara’s girls team qualifying for finals.
  • Bill Turner Cup boys and girls sides played. Thank you to Ben Andrews whose boys team had a close game against Orara High School, but were unfortunate in a penalty shoot. The girls squad versed Coffs Harbour Christian Community in some very muddy conditions and won. Congratulations, Mark Norberry, off to the next round.
  • OurNCIS Cross Country team left in wet conditions but enjoyed a sunny day with over 100 BDC competitors, with 45 students qualifying. Thanks, Prue Graham and team.
  • 2024 Rugby Tour had some great experiences and games in Newcastle. They then went to Sydney and had the chance to see the Wallaroos in action. Destiny, Charlie, and Aria were on the field with the flags to start the game - what an opportunity! Thank you, Tim Chapman, Dale Graham, Renee Dawson, Andrew Walker and Joey de Dassel.
  • Senior School Ethics Olympiad - Gold Medal to this team and an invitation to the International Ethics Olympiad. Congratulations, Bec Brown and team.
  • 200+ excited Eisteddfod students are preparing for next week.

Year 5 Outdoor Education Program - Year 5 and excited teachers headed off to Tyalgum Ridge Retreat and are having a wonderful time.

Staff Professional Learning has a focus on the Child Safe Framework Training Workshops in Term 2.

Terry Close has been providing updates and refresher articles to further our knowledge in this critical area.

A new focus for our Anglican tradition commences in 2024 as Rev Lisa Williamson has shared a range of activities to focus on the birthday of the Church at Pentecost. Students and staff will be encouraged to wear red this Friday and donate if they join in and this money will go to the local Soup Kitchen run by the Uniting Church.

Highway Road Works from 18th May

From Saturday 18th May over about 10 days there will be significant deliveries to do with bridge construction and added transport via trucks for bridge girders along North Boambee Road.

Subject to weather, there can be expected significant traffic control measures Saturday afternoon, and weekday mornings before 7am. Please be aware during Weeks 4-5 for events before school start time or after the school day ends that this may be occurring. Please see the flyer on the delivery of girders to Newport Creek. Transport NSW have been very proactive in keeping the school informed and we thank them for their time and information that they are providing across the works program.

Road Safety Reminder

The busiest time on North Boambee Road is at the end of the school day. The safest way to pick up children is to use our Parent Pickup/Kiss and Ride area. Mr Smith has reminded primary students that they should not cross the road at the exit gate without a parent. Please pick up down the bottom, it may take a few more minutes, but it is the safest point for your child.

Several secondary students leave the day on a school bus. However, there seems to be an increasing number walking down the hill to KFC. There is no footpath and no safe verge. We do not recommend that students walk this way; the road is unsafe and there is a large increase in highway traffic. Ideally there would be a footpath/bike lane to the estate and the school. Please remind your children about road safety and pick up areas for their safety.

Conversations on Staying Safe and Violence Against Women

Last week the local Coffs Harbour community were horrified by the loss of a young man who was stabbed after surfing at Park Beach. This tragedy does not make sense and the sadness that it will bring for many people will continue for a long time. This has occurred as well for other community members after recent losses through car accidents and other incidents. Trauma and grief can often lead parents and carers to a place of confusion or can trigger our emotions.

Recommendations include acknowledging the event if kids ask about it or are connected to the people involved, reassuring them that grief can take many forms, admitting that unfortunately tragedies do happen. Be a good listener as a parent/carer (we do not need all the answers). Encourage family activities and time away or off social media. Of course, we should be there for them when they are ready to talk and inform the school via the Coordinator or Year Coordinator. Let them talk when they are ready and for ongoing concerns to also see a professional like your GP or an organisation like Headspace. Our college also runs a grief and loss program called Seasons for Growth supporting people directly impacted by grief. Mr Patrick Galvin or Mr Terry Close can assist you with questions about this program.

Headspace Supporting a Young Person After Exposure to a Traumatic Event
Beyond Blue:

Tackling Violence Against Women?

It is difficult to believe that in a country such as Australia that we still need to bring this to the attention of our politicians, governments, and communities. However, it is once again clear that the recent rallies and campaigns to address violence against women are needed. Respectful and safe behaviour is something we cannot take for granted and the conversations that we have with our children at home are a vital part of the change that is required, including protective behaviours for our children, the people we are closest to, across their growing years.

Domestic and family violence can take many forms including controlling behaviours, physical violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, stalking, technology facilitated and financial abuse.

Many young people and adults do say something or report an incident or support a victim of domestic violence if this occurs. However, this can be difficult for many reasons. As adults, colleagues in the workplace, neighbours, members of sporting teams or community clubs and importantly as parents or carers, we can help with the change required as we have the conversation with our children about respectful relationships and protective behaviours, or even to ring 000 to support a victim if we hear something.

There is an ongoing education need in schools as well as home as part of the change we want to see. At our college level, there are programs in PDHPE and pastoral programs for respectful behaviour and relationships. This includes Stage 3 Digital Citizenship - online behaviours, creating positive connections and behaviours/respect and power in Year 7 PDHPE, health and safe behaviours Year 9 PDHPE, LOVEBITES Program Year 9-10 (respectful relationship education), retreat conversations and our rites of passage program. The programs complement the guidance and care families provide at home and are ongoing across K-12. We encourage you to keep providing opportunities for age appropriate respectful and protective behaviour conversations at home. A nation where every woman is free from violence and abuse is something all families would hope for their children and support.

Recent changes within Australia include leave entitlements to support those impacted by domestic violence, ‘Stop it At the Start’ advertisements, campaigns against workplace harassment, education and law changes on coercive control, White Ribbon Australia, and Domestic Violence NSW actions. There is a wave of concern and media attention on domestic and family violence now. I hope that this starts to make some real changes in behaviour and action across all levels of government. Please see some domestic and family violence support resources below:

If in immediate Danger: 000
Domestic Violence Line (free counselling and referrals 24/7): 1800 656 463
13YARN (lifeline trained ATSI crisis support line 24/7): 13 92 76
1800Respect: 1800 737 732
LINK2HOME (24/7 state-wide homelessness service): 1800 152 152
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Lifeline: 13 11 14

On a different note, the college continues to refresh and complete projects to assist in our day-to-day classes and teaching environments. The Rodham Building for Mathematics is now operational, and we have opened our new Science lab as a result of an increase in senior Science courses. Please feel free to visit these when onsite for school events. Our Principal, Nick (and his son Tom) have now completed the Camino pilgrimage and look forward to the next phase of their travel together in England for study and music.

Last weekend the Church celebrated the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven at the conclusion of the 40 days after Easter (on the summit of the Mount of Olives). The Ascension is seen as a joyful triumph and represents a conclusion (Jesus finished his earthly ministry), and a commencement (embedding the gift of the Holy Spirit) and the birth of the Church which is recognised this weekend as the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples empowering them to make disciples of all people.

Outside School hours Care

Our Outside School hours Care currently has availability after school, please contact 02 66517 400 to make your bookings. For your future planning, please note that OSHC Christmas closure will be from Monday 23 December 2024 to Friday 3rd January 2025.

Thank you for your day-to-day interactions with the College and for supporting the many opportunities across Term 2.

God bless,

Simon Doyle
Acting Principal