
Principal's Update 2021 Term 4 Week 6

Thursday, 11 Nov 2021
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.
— John 15:12-17

There is much to be thankful for at 60ĘÓƵapp. While we have had some difficult weeks recently after the freakish weather, we have also had the chance to gather together in a variety of forums. Last week, year 6s and year 11s had camp days on the plot of land adjacent to the college affectionately known as Margaret’s Field, and on Sunday afternoon a number of past and present parents and students joined sponsors and golfing fanatics at our annual golf day at Bonville Golf Resort. 

Margaret’s Field in Action

One of the key School Improvement Plans for 2021 was to improve access to and the facilities on the school land to the west of the Primary School classes. This has occurred over a number of months firstly with a safety check of the area including possible concerns with tree limbs and the creek. The next step was to improve drainage and access to the area. The Mountain Biking students of Kaizen classes from year 5 to year 8 were then involved in planning and constructing a mountain bike circuit on the site. Last week, another step was taken with two year 11 and one year 6 day camp occurring on Margaret’s Field. The students and staff had a fantastic time working with students through a series of problem solving group tasks designed to put them outside of their comfort zone. I am pleased to announce that another step will be taken in the coming months with the restoration of the bridge linking the school site to Margaret’s Field. When this project is completed the college cross country track will be remapped to take this resource into account. 

Remembrance Day - 11/11/2021

Because we are unable to gather across student cohorts due to COVID-19 restrictions our Remembrance Day Service, like 2020, occurred online and was shared with our students in their classes. I wish to thank all students and staff who contributed to this production. On this day we as a college paid respect and paused for one minute to remember the service and sacrifice of our veterans and current serving personnel. Lest we forget.

Year 10 student, Heather Nivison, created the paper wreath for the college which was laid at the Lone Pine. 

Paper wreath created by Heather Nivison
HSC Examinations 

After a delay in the HSC examination period due to COVID-19 issues in Sydney the HSC has finally started across the state. Our students started on Tuesday 9 November with English beginning the first array of examinations. 

Thank you to all the year 12 teachers who have gone above and beyond this year to create extended learning opportunities for the students and I also wish to commend our College Council for supporting an additional online tutorial resources for the Class of 2021. 

P&F AGM - 15 November link

The P&F Association AGM is occurring on Monday 15 November. The event will be online due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. Click here to join: 

Meeting ID: 835 3146 2051
Passcode: 607680

New members are welcome and with the lifting of restrictions in the new year we are expecting some exciting community building events and fundraising fun.

Thank you to our 2021 P&F executive for their commitment to the college. Thank you to Krystal Morris, Steph Abbott, Leisa Nilsson, Natalie Sexton and Belinda Musgrave. 

Kindy Orientations 

Always a highlight of the calendar, the Kindy Orientation is an opportunity for parents and carers to walk their children into the school, share a smile, a photo and a wave before their “babies” enter the Kindy playground and meet and greet the Kindy teachers and ELC staff for the next year. The key moment for me are the instant smiles, conversations and friendships that are fostered by the end of that first day. We are so lucky to have been able to host this event this year. 

Golf Day Thank you

The annual golf day took place at Bonville Golf Resort on Sunday with a maximum field of 120 players involved this year. While it was a little wet at the end of the event all players completed the course with the winning team this year being Kris, Sam, Angus and Oscar Watson. The Watson family are part of our alumni. A couple of special mentions from the field with 8 year old Cooper Holman hitting 11-under and Ms Natalie Titcume hitting the longest female drive and yours truly hitting a collection of the worst drives. Thank you to our sponsors for the day. 

  • Major Sponsor - Geoff King Motors 
  • Platinum Sponsors - FXBC, Colourworks
  • Gold Sponsors - Westpac Commercial, Watsons Caravans, SCL Sport and Support, The Dental Centre, Midford Uniforms
  • Silver Sponsors - Newcombe Coach Lines, XCorp, Coffs Computers 
  • Bronze Sponsors - Ray Ellicott, Oak Tree Retirement Village  
  • Barracudas Sporting Club Sponsors - McGrath Real Estate, Hoys Health and Fitness, O'Keeffe Engineering 
  • Prize Sponsors - Bonville Golf Resort, All Office Business, SCL Sport and Support, Vision Golf, Rebel Sport 

Overall the Golf Day raised over $11,000.

View the full photo gallery here 

Barracudas Foundation Season - Presentation Day