
Secondary campus matters Term 4 Week 4

Wednesday, 01 Nov 2023

Secondary Matters

Our sense of community and rite of passage philosophy are an integral part of the Term 4 program for the secondary campus. Listening to the positive affirmations and return to school by Year 9 with Mrs Bruggemann and the Tutor Staff as part of their transition to senior school was very interesting. Year 9 also experienced leadership training and their assembly later this term. The Class of 2024 commenced their rite of passage starting with their service at St John's Anglican Church and are progressing well for their journey into Year 12.

The 2023 Christmas hamper appeal will commence soon. Please consider if you can contribute to assist local families again this year through non-perishable food items or new toys. The generosity of our community supports many families in need at this time of year. Thank you.

The 2023 HSC examinations are almost over for the Class of 2023 and our Year 11 accelerated students and we wish the Class of 2023 well for their future and thank our students for being considerate and quiet around the examination spaces. Year 10 commence their examination block next week while Year 11 are on their next step for outdoor education and their rite of passage.

The Performing Arts Dinner is next week and the preparation sounds very exciting. This follows the successful Sports Dinner and Award evening last week. Congratulations to all of the student awardee’s and we thanked Mr Martin Kelleher for his service. Thank you to Ms Reinhold, Mrs Heather and Mrs Titcume for the successful night.

Term 4 commenced with our reviewed Personal Mobile Device policy in particular mobile phones and smart devices. Off and Away is the phrase that indicates phones, airpods, etc should be off or on mute and away out of sight once the bell rings until 3.10pm. Our students are responding well and adapting to the change required. Although it is fluctuating between 2 and 16 devices confiscated each day. Thank you for supporting this change.

House shirts are now part of the uniform. Year 7 2024 will be the first whole year group that purchases their house shirt as part of enrolment at the uniform shop. The shirts we have seen already around the yard look colourful and bright. Please make this purchase over the next 12 months for students already at the college and compulsory in 2025. For students who have already purchased them, they can also wear them on Fridays.

Completing the year with a focus on learning in each course and planned assessment is an essential part of Term 4. Please revisit assessment schedules and examination blocks where applicable to assist your child to plan and prepare for these busy times. If you have questions, please contact the subject teacher directly.

Exciting opportunities beyond the classroom this term include: Performing Arts Awards evening, Ethics Olympiad, State Netball Cup, Young Change Agents workshop, Environment Group field trip, and basketball.

Mr Nick Johnstone, our Principal was recognised by the Anglican Diocese of Grafton at Christ Church Cathedral last Saturday. Mr Johnstone was presented and appointed as a Lay Canon. He will assist in the leadership, vision, and mission of the Diocesan Cathedral as a representative of our Diocesan Schools. This appointment is a reflection on Mr Johnstone as a person of deep faith and a visionary leader. Our thoughts prayers and support are with him. New title: Canon Nick Johnstone.

Key Dates

  • 2nd November Year 7 2024 Orientation Day
  • 3rd November Year 10 examinations commence
  • 6th November Class of 2024 Outdoor Education experience all week.
  • 9th November Performing Arts Dinner.
  • 10th November Remembrance Day Assembly
  • 13th November Year 8 Day
  • 16th November Anglican Schools Day at onsite
  • 20th November Year 10 Work experience all week
  • 22nd November Year 9 Rite of Passage through leadership and peer support program commences.
  • 29th November World Options for Elite Sport tour to Australian College of Physical Education and Environment Group field trip.
  • 1st December Non school uniform day for Cambodia.
  • 2nd December Round Square international tour to New Zealand commences
  • 4th December, Monday Secondary Presentation Awards Assembly
  • 6th December, Wednesday is K-12 Christmas Service and Carols
  • 7th December, last day for students. Secondary picnic day at Boambee Bay reserve.

2024 Start of Year Dates

  • 30th January, Tuesday. K to Year 7, Year 12 and Peer Support students commence
  • 31st January, Wednesday. Years 8-9-10 and 11 commence.

Simon Doyle
Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)

What to do if you see distressing content online?

Online spaces should be safe for everyone, but you may sometimes come across content that
is distressing – for example, because it depicts harm or violence.


Good morning, I'm Madi. Today I am going to talk about the importance of kindness. Kindness is about being selfless, caring, compassionate and unconditionally kind. No matter how someone looks or acts, you truly never know what’s happening in their lives. But by simply being kind this can make a huge difference.

Kindness doesn't cost anything. And we too can act upon this value by showing empathy and compassion for everyone in our lives. We can show small acts of kindness every day that will have a large impact like giving someone a compliment, opening the door for someone, telling our family members how much you love and appreciate them and taking the time to sit and listen to a friend's problems.

My mum only reminded me the other day that in kindergarten if we had a mufti day or we had to bring in a costume I would always ask her to buy an extra costume and pack extra clothes in my bag just in case someone had forgotten to bring some along.

Daily battles that people face behind closed doors largely remain unseen. What we perceive as perfect lives are often far from them. As we go about our day, quick to judge and make assumptions, many around us are struggling, hoping for kind words and compassion. The truth about people’s lives is that there is usually so much more going on than meets the eye. We think we know, but we have no idea.

So this week what is something simple that you can do for someone else that might make a difference. That simple act of kindness can be a little thing by us but have a big impact on others. Here is a quick video that I hope you can all take something from. 

Thank you

Madison Parkes