
Secondary end of year Matters 2021

Thursday, 09 Dec 2021

Thank you for your support of the college and our staff. Your patience with regard to the different  health orders, remote learning and inclement weather has been appreciated. The support you have  shown our students has been appreciated as a community, especially our HSC students. 

Retirement of Reverend David Morgan 

Once again, this year Rev Morgan and Rev Cooke have been creative in their Chapel services  including many recorded or live services and even one chapel from Rev Dave Morgan’s garage as  he used his passion for cars to share his story. Thank you to our Chaplains as spiritual leaders and  we wish Reverend David Morgan all the best in his retirement and thank him for his service to the  college. His assistance at camps and support of the many families in our community, the Uniting  Church Soup Kitchen, other local charities and the annul BDC Christmas Hamper appeal have been  an integral part of his work. 

Term 4 Highlights 

This term Mr Kelleher and Heads of House have coordinated inter house sports during Tutor time  and Mrs Dal Pozzo coached the Philosothon. Mrs Brown and myself assisted two teams in the  Middle School Ethics Olympiad where we had judges from Canada, USA, NZ and Australia. Round  Square students completed a weekend workshop, and we continue to hear good news about Year  12 and their early entry into university for 2022. The Performing Arts faculty have been adjusting to  changing health orders and it has been wonderful to hear different performances becoming part of  everyday life again at the college. 

We continue to enjoy an increase in student numbers with a waiting list for most year levels K to 11.  In 2022 there will be 5 streams in Year 9. The Performing Arts area, Seen Ya’s On Show, outdoor  education for Year 7 and modified field trips for Year 11 added significantly to the benefits of  physical activity, performance and our sense of community. This positive impact also included Monday sport and the BDC Barracuda Sports Club.  

The Class of 2021 

The focus on student careers and pathways has resulted in a large number of Year 12 gaining early  entry into university and several apprenticeships for 2022. Early entry so far to universities includes:  University of Newcastle, Southern Cross University, University of New England, Griffith University,  Macquarie University, University of Technology Sydney and Bond University. 

2022 Intents and College Uniform 

In 2022 we will introduce HSC Dance and accelerated courses in Mathematics, Studies of Religion  and Business Studies will continue. Mathematics Pathways now includes Years 5 to 9. The  secondary library will become the iHUB and Phase 1 of the refurbishment should be completed for  the start of 2022. We hope Round Square will regain some of its momentum again next year.  Careers Pathways has included Year 13 (the first term after Year 12) and has been successful in  introducing the Year 10 Internship Program. Year 7-10 Sport will be on a Tuesday in 2022.

Shopping for uniform items in 2022? 

Please refer to our uniform code and guidelines. The requirement is black polishable shoes, limited  jewellery, no extreme hair styles, and no nose rings. Referring to these guidelines will help students  commence with a positive start to the new year. Click here for guidelines. 

I wish to acknowledge the commitment of our staff across the campus and their dedication as we  have adapted to the changing needs throughout the year. The LRC, Canteen, Office, Enrolments, IT,  Support Staff, and Grounds/Cleaning teams make the college hum each day and are the welcoming  face around the college grounds or office areas. There are many extra voluntary hours given through  HSC holiday tutorials or workshops, coaching, clubs and other opportunities beyond the classroom and I wish to thank our dedicated staff as it is a team effort.  

Reports and access to Parent Lounge and Student Café.  

After reports are published, please download, and save any items that you require by 10 December 2021. There are extensive IT upgrades and maintenance changes this year and access will not be  possible until late January. 

Unfortunately, again this year, the Christmas Service and our presentation assemblies are for staff  and students only. They have been recorded and shared with families and we hope to be able to welcome you back onsite in 2022. 

 On behalf of our secondary staff, we wish our families a holy and family filled  Christmas.

Simon Doyle 

Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)