
Secondary Matters - 2021 Term 3 Week 8

Tuesday, 31 Aug 2021

Term 3 always combines the energy needs of subject selections and information nights for World Options and Year 11 for 2022. The college engages with timetabling for the year ahead and discusses a lot of future hopes and passions with students. 

There is a lot of planning and time devoted into creating these structures and while the changes around COVID-19 has slowed this down, we are still progressing along and hope to talk with students in the coming weeks.

New HSC exam dates 

In recent days, Year 12 and our accelerated Year 11 students have been informed that the HSC has been pushed back and now commences on 9th November. 

New Valedictory dates 

We have met with Year 12 and postponed and rescheduled their rites of passage celebrations including the House Farewell, service, assembly and Valedictory Dinner. Just like 2020, we will continue to adapt and aim to provide Year 12 with some unique opportunities to celebrate 13 years of schooling. Year 12 are demonstrating true grit and resilience and we commend them as we adapt to these recent announcements. Our suggestion is to take one day at a time and talk often with parents, friends and staff. Year 12 will have received further information this week with details for these postponed events. Please keep our HSC students in your thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks.

Thank you, Ms Foggiato

Thank you to Ms Natasha Foggiato who has resigned from her position at the college. I would like to thank her for her years of service in Visual Art, REP and the pastoral program for students. We wish “Tarsh” all the best for her exciting future ahead.

It's time to roll up our sleeves 

Vaccinations have now been made available for high school age students. We encourage you to discuss this with your doctor as required and book in for family vaccinations with this information. HSC students in particular are encouraged to this ASAP. It does appear likely that some movement and access to some events/shops may require vaccination in the future. The college thanks all of our staff who have been able to receive a vaccination already and many both vaccinations. It has been announced by NSW Health last week that education staff in Term 4 will require vaccinations as well. 

COVID lockdown updates

The continued lockdown and health information has resulted in the continuation of remote learning. Thank you for assisting your children and the college with this difficult process. This week there should be attendance checks across subjects. For any consistent concerns that we have not been informed about by parents, there will be contact home in the coming days. Please inform our teachers if you have any concerns or your child will be offline for the day or a number of days. We encourage family time and a break from the screen. Feel okay to do this, as time with mum or dad is essential in the wellbeing focus as our students do become tired with remote learning.

Each week during remote learning there is now a block of independent learning time on Wednesday and Friday. This is to support wellbeing, work around the home and to catch up on activities for subject areas where needed. 

Thank you for your continued support. Take care and be kind to each other,

Simon Doyle 
Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)