
Secondary Matters 2021 Term 4 Week 4

Friday, 29 Oct 2021

Our sense of community has been clearly demonstrated again last week with the hail storms. The staff of the college completed an amazing two days with remote learning as we assisted at the college cleanup, visited staff homes who needed help and received offers of support from families and students to come in and help clean up onsite. Thank you for your thoughts and these kind offers. 

We are also aware of the way local streets and neighbours had late nights to help move furniture, cover skylights or just be there. I would also like to express our thanks to the many first responders and especially the SES and Rural Fire Service who have completed safety work across the area. In addition to these efforts, the way our students patiently waited for buses or pick ups in protected areas was a credit to them. The local school bus companies kept us up to date with traffic news and made several checks for students who were still waiting at the college. Thank you to everyone for your support.

Some exciting results and updates this week:

Career Pathways

Success for our new program for Year 10 Internships - 8 applications/10 employers this year.  Two students have commenced their internship and we wish Ayla well at Ohana and Isabelle at Woolgoolga Pharmacy. Unfortunately the others were disrupted due to COVID19. BDC is becoming a school of first choice for employers seeking staff.

Apprenticeships/SbaTs - congratulations to Asher Fawle - cabinet making apprenticeship at Infracraft.

Early Entry University success with 62 students applying for university - 35% already have received early entry offers into university and 3 apprenticeships. This is amazing as there are a number of early entry schemes that have not completed their first round yet.


Mrs Amy Dal Pozzo has reported on the recent success in the inaugural flash fiction competition (7 to 11), HICES Debating Northern NSW Division results: James Quodling (1st) and Santiago Cooke (3rd) in the Junior Division, Campbell Scott (1st) and Jack Easter (3rd) in the Intermediate Division.

Goori Group Mural

Mrs Jane Mosco and Mrs Kristy Hart have coordinated the Goori groups project and we had the commissioning of the Goori Group Mural. Now located at the yarning circle.

HSC Examinations

In 2021 we are supporting two HSC cohorts at once: the Class of 2021 and Class of 2022. HSC written examinations commence in Week 6. Thank you to the staff for their commitment to these important weeks.

A reminder for all HSC examinations to arrive at least 40 minutes before the scheduled start of the exam. You must be well and free from flu like symptoms and bring a mask for each examination. If you have any questions please ask your teacher, Mr Close or Mr Verbruggen.

Year 10 Work Experience

Unfortunately no face to face work experience can occur this year. However, for Yr 10 we will be offering real life virtual projects in dedicated periods in week 8 to complete. Year 10 should also check their emails for a letter sent out about the end of year and important dates.

2022 7 to 10 Sport Change

2022 Secondary Sport will now move to a Tuesday. This should allow for a more even spread of Year 11 and Year 12 double periods and hopefully reduce the impact on the same periods over the year of public holidays, events and representative sport.

Year 7 2022 Orientation Days

Orientation days have been moved to the start of 2022. Unfortunately due to the changing status locally with COVID19, the decision was made to move these days to 2022. Year 6 families should check their emails and the information pack will be sent out next week with further information. We apologise for this change.

As this newsletter is published we will be celebrating significant rites of passage for the Class of 2021. There will be our final service, an honouring with parent/carer letters and the receiving of portfolio’s at their Valedictory Assembly. We wish these wonderful young adults all the best for their HSC examinations and look forward to the Valedictory Dinner on December the Third.

Most students will now be undertaking formal assessments via exams, or projects or research tasks for example. It is now timely to check their assessment calendars and work to due dates and meet these deadlines or examination dates. If in doubt please contact the subject teacher directly and they will assist or clarify any questions you may have at this time. It is okay to be busy and at this time the balance towards school work is probably higher than usual. This is a normal part of school and adjusting as required. We wish all students well as they plan for these final tasks at the end of the year.

Simon Doyle 
Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)