
Sport and Outdoor Education Term 4 Week 6

Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022


NCIS Primary

The girls played tremendously. We drew one game and won the next two. We only had one sub. I was very proud of the girl’s team. 

The boys had a fantastic time.  As a mixed Year 5/6 team, there was often a bit of size to contend with on the court. But the boys played strongly all day.

The team played incredibly well together and even developed over the course of the day. Such a great opportunity for young developing players to represent their school. The school pride was evident with a BDC chant and lots of encouragement and cheering from all the players.

The boys finished up overall runners up at the end of the day. A great result. Thank you to Rach Caesar and Nat Gentle for coaching the teams.

NCIS Secondary 

BDC had 4 teams compete at the Secondary NCIS basketball day. The boys played at Sportz Central and the girls at BDC.

The boys were a close competition between the larger schools with BDC, EAC and LAGS all finishing on 12 points. BDC Boys won on goals in the 15&U and open divisions. Thank you to Zara Baldwin for coaching both teams.

The 15&U and open girls dominated play all day to finish winners on the day. This was a great result considering both teams only had minimal subs. Thank you to Michelle Walker for coaching and reffing on the day.

Inclusion Sports Day

Cadence Lindsay and Ruby Greenaway attended the Coffs Coast Inclusion Sports Day last Friday. They both were able to try a variety of sports and have a great time. 

Looking at the photos they were both exhausted by the end. Thank you to Anna Sothman for accompanying the girls.

Outside of BDC Sport Achievements


Congratulations to High Performance Program athlete Tess Caldicott (Y10) who has just returned from Fiji where she competed in two junior International Tennis Federation (ITF) tournaments. Tess played solid tennis in hot and humid conditions to secure her first ITF ranking points for wins in both singles and doubles matches. With 12 different countries represented, Tess played top juniors (18 years and under) from Singapore, Fiji, Japan and Australia. She also enjoyed aspects of Fiji that make it such a tourist hot spot including local food markets, chili pineapple, Diwali celebrations, and the islands.

Unsurprisingly, Tess is keen to travel to more ITF junior tournaments in Singapore, NZ and Fiji in 2023.

Well done Tess!


Daniel Williams (9) set a new state record for 16yr boys 1500m, finishing in 3:54.90.

Click on the video below to see this amazing run.

Please email a short report and photos to bhilton@bdc.nsw.edu.au with any outside of BDC sporting achievements for inclusion in the newsletter.

2023 Carnival Dates

  • Secondary Swimming – Thursday 16 Feb
  • Primary Swimming – Friday 17 Feb
  • Secondary and Primary Cross Country – Tuesday 4 April
  • Secondary Athletics – TBC
  • Primary Athletics – Friday 9 June

Upcoming Sports

  • Year 2 (Wed) and Year 4 (Fri) swimming program – Wed 19 October – Wed 16 November and Fri 21 October – Fri – 25 November
  • Year 6 Surf Safety – Monday 21 or Thursday 24 November – Sawtell Beach
  • Junior Primary Swimming Carnival – Wednesday 23 November – Coffs Harbour
  • East Coast Eagles Futsal (16yrs boys and girls only)– Thursday 24 November – Sunday 27 November – Gold Coast
  • Primary Football Gala Day – Thursday 24 November – Coffs Harbour

Please email Beth Hilton bhilton@bdc.nsw.edu.au or Martin Kelleher mkelleher@bdc.nsw.edu.au for more information. Sign-up sheets will be online via Schoolbox.

Outdoor Education

2023 Camp Dates
Year 11 Camp
Monday 9 - Thursday 12 Oct - Camp Kokoda
Year 9 Camp
Monday 16 – Thursday 19 Oct - Pindari Adventures
Year 7 Camp
Monday 6 – Thursday 9 February – Great Aussie Bush Camp
Year 5 Camp
Tuesday 16 - Friday 19 May – Tyalgum Ridge Retreat

For anything information regarding Barracuda club sports please email info@bdcbarracudas.com.au or call Nat Titcume or Martin Kelleher.


Please read the BDC Sport Code of Conduct found at the below link and make sure your children know and understand the expectations of them when they represent BDC.


Sport Nomination Guidelines

It is great to have so much sport back on our calendars. There is a process to nominate for any sport you may like to be a part of.

A notice will be put in Schoolbox with a link to the form for all eligible students to nominate for any sport they would like to have the opportunity to play. Some sports will require a trial process, as team numbers are limited, but this should not discourage students from trying a new sport. It is a process we have to follow to make it fair for all students. 

Most rep sports are for students from Yr 5 – Yr 12 and occasionally we have gala days that include students from Yr 3 – Yr 12.

Once teams are selected an invite will go out with more information via TASS parent lounge, this must be completed for students to be able to compete on the day. Students cannot just turn up at events and expect to play without parents first giving permission via their parent lounge.

BDC is involved in numerous sports (as you can see by my reports in each newsletter) and we encourage as many students as possible to play sport, but we need to follow these guidelines. Our risk assessments around training and participating, play an important role in keeping your children safe. 

Beth Hilton
Sport and Outdoor Education Coordinator K-12

0417859252 or 66515644 ext 295.