
What's happening in Junior Primary - 2022 Term 1 Week 4

Thursday, 17 Feb 2022

What a great start to the year we have had in Junior Primary! A special welcome to our new Kindergarten class of 2022 and any new and returning families. It has been wonderful to welcome parents back onto campus. 

It has been so fantastic to see our Kindies settling in! They are already becoming familiar with new routines, trying new things and making friends. They are already such a huge part of our college community! Next week Kindergarten will celebrate Teddy Bears Picnic, it is sure to be a fun-filled event!

Highlights of the first four weeks of school have included exploring the new investigations in K-2, meeting our new friends at the college and getting to know our new teachers! We were so proud of all the students that participated in the Senior Primary Swimming Carnival last week, what a great day it was! See the full Swimming carnival report here 

We look forward to a wonderful term and year ahead. 

Miss Emily Kadwell
Junior Primary Coordinator