
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner 2021 - gallery

Thursday, 09 Dec 2021

60Ƶapp  year 12 students, celebrated their Valedictory Dinner at Pacific Bay Resort on Friday 3 December. It was a fitting close to what has been a long and uncertain journey of schooling over the past two years. 

This milestone event has been deferred twice, as were the HSC exams this year, due to COVID restrictions, but this didn’t dampen the excitement for more than 70 students and their families.  As they conclude one significant chapter of their lives, they can look forward to the new beginnings that lie ahead. 

“The last two years of schooling has been pretty tough on the senior class of 2021,” said Mr Terry Close, year 12 coordinator at 60Ƶapp. “During what is arguably the most important two years of school, these students have shown great resilience to change, and demonstrated a determination to achieve no matter what life, or COVID restrictions, throws at them”. 

“I could not be more proud of this cohort of students, for how they’ve overcome the challenges before them, and supported each other along the way. I am confident that their amazing quality of character will help them to find great success as they continue on their journey into the world”.   

The event was attended by more than 180 guests, and celebrated well into the evening, with photo booths, dancing and the creation of many fond memories.