
Year 5 Tyalgum Camp

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

On the 18th of May, nearly all the Year 5’s ventured off to Tyalgum Retreat for a muddy, adventurous 4 day camp. We left school at 7:15am, joined up with our sister school CVAS and arrived at the camp at 1pm. It was a long and interesting bus ride, one of the buses got stuck on a pothole, the roads were windy and we were bursting at the seams to get to camp!

We soon got straight into the activities and realised that some of us were going to have to leave our fears of being muddy behind. Rockhoping, rainforest walks, flying fox, low and high ropes were just some of the challenging activities we got to do.

Whilst participating in our groups, we mixed with new friends, had heaps of fun and discussed different qualities that some people showed in the activities such as perseverance, kindness and love of learning.

Nights were filled with Trivia, talent shows, spotlight, movies and heaps of fun times. We would like to thank our Year 10 Support Peers, Caitlin, Betty, Rataj & Mahi, our supportive Year 5 teachers, Mrs Watson for helping us and Mrs Hilton for organising this awesome camp.

So many of us were worried about leaving home, but we all had the best time ever. Thank you.

Year 5 - 2022